Complete the summary with key informationmaked with A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H.The stereotype of 1._______________leader, especially in business and politics, has long been 2. ___________ in our society. This view of 3. ___________ has often been associated with ideal leadership.However, our culture appears to be biased against reserved leaders, despite recent research revealing that4.________________ that may be better suited for today’s workplace.For example, introverts are more 5.___________________, because they listen more than extroverts. In addition, they 6.______________ before considering new ones.Although quieter leaders go underappreciated in our society, workplaces are being populated by growing numbers of workers who do not want to be 7.____________. The time may finally be right to 8. ______________. A. receptive to peopleB. controlled by egocentric bossesC. the confident, bordering on arrogantD. introverted leadersE. embrace introverted leadership.F.reflect on issues and ideasG. valuedH.extroverted people