In the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Article 2 is:
A. right to liberty and security
B. right to life
C. freedom of expression
D. prohibition of discrimination
IntheEuropeanConventionfortheProtectionofHumanRightsandFundamentalFreedoms,Article 5 is:
A. righttolibertyandsecurity
B. righttolife
C. right to a fair trial
D. freedom of thought, conscience and religion
A. righttomarryandfoundafamily
B. righttolife
C. righttorespectforprivateandfamilylife
D. freedomofthought,conscienceandreligion
A. prohibitionoftorture,inhumanordegradingtreatmentorpunishment
B. righttomarryandfoundafamily
C. righttolife
D. righttorespectforprivateandfamilylife
Nonmaleficence implies restraint from doing harm, or prevention or prohibition of some action, which would cause harm. The principle of nonmaleficence involves not only the duty of care to avoid actual harm but also the risk of ______.
A. loss of money
B. harm
C. goodness
D. benefit