
Doctor’s diagnosisThe doctor diagnoses Lucy as having a and the doctor also diagnoses Lucy with a bacterialof the .


Doctor’s prescriptionThe doctor prescribes Lucy for the ; The tablets should be takena day, namely, morning and night fordays. Make sure Lucy complete the whole .

Doctor’s adviceThe advice the doctor gives is to have a lot of and stock up on soups. Lucy must go straight toand stay there all . She is also supposed to take the every hours to keep the down.


A. 毛主席
B. 国旗
C. 林志远
D. 升旗按钮


A. 奋战在生产一线的工人
B. 负重前行、保家卫国的军人
C. 脚踩黄土、背朝天的农民
D. 国士无双、风骨流芳的知识分子
