
Mary couldn't go to her friend's birthday party because of a ______ cold.

A. hurried
B. surprising
C. sudden
D. quick


She invited _____ of her friends to come to her party.

A. quite too many
B. a very lot
C. so very many
D. quite a lot

The old man has a very quiet and _____ life in that large, empty house.

A. alone
B. by himself
C. lonely
D. only

He drives much ______ now than he did before his accident.

A. more carefully
B. more careful
C. too carefully
D. carefully

《左传》是解释 经义的,所以《左传》又称作《春秋左传》或《春秋左氏传》。作者 ,现在最通行的是十三经注疏中的《春秋左传注疏》,是由晋 注,唐 疏。
