
根据以下资料,回答题:【案例一】某住宅小区总占地面积12万m2,建筑容积率为4.5,分两期开发,一期占地面积6万m2 ,其中保障性住房建筑面积10万m2 ,地下停车库与地下设备用房3万m2 ,其余为商品住宅,二期建筑面积为19万m2 。该项目一期建设收尾阶段,建设单位考虑:①物业销售前确定物业服务企业。②以邀请招标的方式选聘物业服务企业。③由建设单位与中标物业服务企业签订物业服务合同。④合同期拟定5年。【案例二】该项目一期全部售磐,中标的物业服务企业(简称甲公司)协助建设单位办理业主入住手续,投入使用半年后,物业费实收率30%左右,甲公司严重亏损。关于未来该项目二期的物业管理工作,建设单位提出将自行组建物业服务企业负责,甲公司不同意。【案例二】请回答下列问题:该项目一期商品住宅建筑面积正确的计算公式为( )

A. 6*4.5-10=17万平方米
B. 6*4.5-10-3=14万平方米
C. 12*4.5-10-19=25万平方米
D. 12*4.5-10-3=22万平方米



A. 10~20
B. 20~30
C. 30~35
D. 35~40



What do you think is the best title for the passage?根据以下内容,回答下面的题目。Packaging is a very important form of advertising. A package can sometimes motivate people to buy prod- ucts. For example, a little child might ask for a breakfast food contained in a box with a picture of a TV charac- ter. The child is more interested in the picture than in breakfast food. Pictures for children to color or cut out, games printed on a package, or a small gift inside a box also motivate many children to buy products or to ask their parents to buy for them.Some packages suggest that a buyer will get something for nothing. Food products sold in reusable contain- ers are examples of this. Although a similar product in plain container might cost less, people often prefer to buy the product in a reusable glass or dish, because they believe the container is free. However, the cost of the con- tainer is added to the cost of the product.The size of a package also motivates a buyer. Maybe the package has "Economy Size" or "Family Size" printed on it. This suggests that the larger size has the most product for the least money. But that is not always true. To find it out, a buyer has to know how the product is sold and the price of the basic unit.The information on the package should provide some answers. But the important thing for any buyer to remember is that a package is often an advertisement. The words and pictures do not tell the whole story. Only the product inside can do that."A buyer will get something for nothing" in paragraph 2 may probably mean_____________

A. How to Package a Product.
B. How to Make an Advertisement.
C. How to Sell Product.
D. How to Attract More Buyers.
