- 学前教育影响文化的保存、传递、传播;影响文化的创造、更新
- We can (distinguish) one kind of substance from another by its properties.
- One (prominent) symptom of the disease is progressive loss of memory.
- The (prospect) of change of this kind has an unsettling effect on any organisation.
- The meeting discussed how to (promote) cooperation between the two countries
- This (facility) is open to both new and existing borrowers.
- Before throw in,we have to have a (strategic) plan.
- The task was accomplished with (comparative) ease.
- Their educational qualifications (entitle) them to a higher salary.
- Her hatred of (authority) led to her expulsion from high school.
- He had departed from his prepared testimony ,which was considered to be (neutral) .
- The meeting will focus on economic development of the (region).
- This (discipline) integrates two fields of study.
- Other information (available) in a model is relevant to from generation.
- These figures (exaggerate) the loss of competitiveness.
- The people who (commit) the upstream crimes can constitute this crime.
- Simply (subtract) the free heap value from the total heap size to get this value.
- She could hear the (constant) rhythm of his breathing.
- Honeybees use one of the most (sophisticated) communication systems of any insect.
- She describes her own (moral) dilemma in making the film.
- Never before has the industry had to (cope) with war and recession at the same time.
- It has been amazing to witness the growth of such a (diverse) and varied community of people.
- We (attach) labels to things before we file them away.
- How can (faculty) improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity?
- There has been no (comment) so far from police about the allegations.
- Leaf veins (distribute) food and water throughout the leaf.
- Check all switchgear accessories and the (auxiliary) equipment.
- The traction control system is also fully (automatic).
- There are many different kinds of natural (remedies) to help overcome winter infections.
- Most competition cars will only roll over if they hit an (obstacle).
- The president is calling for spending(restraints) in some areas.
- If you have the (appropriate) skills and authority ,you can update or extend this set of types.
- We have been preparing our fighters to (adjust) themselves to civil society.
- How do you want to (decorate) your room?
- He seems for a moment to be again holding the (fate) of the country in his hands.
- Because each one of you is (unique) and special.
- Did you (omit) some small but vital factor from one of your Columns?
- I ask what the (episode) taught him.
- The peace agreement has at least (temporarily) halted the civil war.
- I should learn to (restrain) my desire.
- Words cannot express my (sorrow).
- But I feel this surprise or does not (arise).
- Leave out my name from the gift if it be a (burden).
- We sell wholesale to several chains that sell (retail) to the public.
- Two-thirds of the national electorate had the chance to (vote) in these elections.
- George took out a (bunch) of keys and went to work on the complicated lock.
- She (displayed) her wound to the twelve gentlemen of the jury.
- It's thought a gas (leak) may have caused the blast.
- We recommend that you not (modify) this behavior.
- Do not blame your life because you have no (passion).
- The republic was proclaimed with great (ceremony).
- 决策人对具有不同风险的相同期望收益值或损失值,会给出不同的效用值。
- 由于效用函数反映的是决策人对风险态度的变化关系,其值大小因决策人对风险态度的不同而不同,效用函数大致可以分为以下()类型。
- 决策者对风险采取的是调和折中的态度,既不对有利结果特别追求,也不对不利结果谨慎从事,这是一位循规蹈矩、心平气和的决策者。大企业的决策者对长期的和经营性的经营决策往往采用这种效用函数。该种效用函数表示为()
- 效用值随着货币额的增多而递增,但其递增的速度逐渐由快至慢。这种意味着决策者稳妥行事,对利益的反应比较迟缓,而对损失的反应则比较敏感,小心谨慎、不求大利,但要规避风险。属于()
- 效用值随着货币额的增多而递增,但递增的速度越来越快。这种类型的函数意味着决策者对亏损反应迟缓,而对利益的反应却比较敏感,也即决策者是一种想谋大利、不怕冒险,敢于搏杀的进取型的决策者。属于()
- ()效用函数表示在货币额不大时,决策者具有一定的冒险胆略,但一旦货币额增至一定数量时,决策者就转为稳妥战略
- 效用值介于()之间。
- ()适用于厂房、机场、港区陆域和堆场等工程的大面积填筑。
- 强夯法处理范围应大于建筑物基础范围,每边超出基础外缘的宽度宜为基底下设计处理深度的1/3~1/2,并不宜小于()m。