- Tourism in Thailand In 1997 there were over 7 million (29) to Thailand. There were (30) independent travelers (up 4.5% on last year) (31) people on group tours (down 4.7%).The largest number of visitors was (32) East Asia. 78% of group tour travellers and 51% of (33) travellers were from countries such as Malaysia, Hong Kong and Japan. The second largest number of tourists (34) from Europe: 14% of group tour visitors and 27% of independent travellers, (35) the largest number coming from France and Germany. The smallest number of visitors was from Africa. 0.4% of group visitors and 0.9% of independent travellers were from African countries, and (36) half of those were from South Africa.There were changes (37) the numbers of visitors from different countries. Visitors from Argentina were up by 53% for group tours and 26% (38) independent travellers. The number of visitors from Bangladesh was (39) there were 70% fewer group tour visitors and 48% fewer independent travellers than last year. The number of visitors from Sweden was up (40) 24% for group tours and 15% for independent travellers. 30()
- Passage OneIn the simplest terms, a market is the place where seller meets buyer to exchange products for money. Traditional markets still function in many parts of the world. Even in the United Sates, during summer months, there are farmers’ markets where direct selling and buying take place between producers and consumers. Most service industries still operate at this market level.Manufacturing industries and most agricultural enterprises are more distant from the consumer. Their products pass through several hands--truckers, warehouse workers, wholesalers, and retailers before reaching the final consumer.Products, or commodities, are usually divided into two types: consumer and industrial. Consumer goods are those that are sold to final users, the customers. These goods include food, clothing, automobiles, television sets, appliances, and all those things people go to stores to purchase.Industrial goods are those that are sold to companies or other businesses for use in manufacturing or other purposes. Automobile makers buy many of the parts used to assemble cars. A tire manufacturer buys rubber, synthetic or otherwise, with which to make fires. Eventually these materials will end up in the hands of final users: the owners of the cars. The nature of industrial goods depends on the nature of the goods to be made for final users. The price of industrial goods and raw materials will influence the price of final goods, those that the consumer buys. A wholesaler(Paragraph 2, Line 2) is ()
- 注册执业人员未执行法律、法规和工程建设强制性标准的,责令停止执业( )。
- 避难层应设有应急广播和应急照明,( )。
- 当通货膨胀的比率超过现有的盈利最大的投资收益率时,这两个比率的差值就是任何一个投资的价值下降的最小百分比。如果在这种情况下,某一个特定投资价值的下降超过了那个百分比,那么以下哪项如果为真,最能合乎逻辑地完成上面的论述
- 以下关于Ethernet工作原理的描述中,哪些是正确的? Ⅰ.在_Ethernet中,数据通过总线发送 Ⅱ.连在总线上的所有结点都能"收听"到发送结点发送的数据信号 Ⅲ.Ethernet与Token_Bus的帧结构是相同的 Ⅳ.Ethernet适用于对数据传输实时性要求高的应用环境
- The primary objective of Basic Econometrics is to provide an elementary but a comprehensive introduction to the art and science of econometrics.
- 建设单位不得对勘察、设计、施工、工程监理等单位提出不符合建设工程安全生产法律、法规和强制性标准规定的要求,( )压缩合同约定的工期。
- 一个著名的歌手获得了一场诉讼的胜利,控告一个广告公司在一则广告里使用了由另一名歌手对一首众所周知由该著名歌手演唱的歌曲进行的翻唱版本。这场诉讼的结果,广告公司将停止在广告中使用模仿者的版本。因此,由于著名歌手的演唱费用比他们的模仿者要高,因此广告费用将上升。 以上结论基于以下哪一项假设
- The first man who cooked his food, instead of eating it raw, lived so long ago that we have no idea who he was or where he lived. We do know, however, that (56) thousands of years food was always eaten cold and (57) . Perhaps the cooked food was heated accidentally by a (58) fire or by the melted lava from an erupting (59) . When people first tasted food that had been cooked, they found it tasted better. However, (60) after this discover, cooked food must have remained a rarity (61) man learned how to make and light (62) .Primitive men who lived in hot regions could depend on the heat of the sun (63) their food. For example, in the desert (64) of the southwestern. United States, the Indians cooked their food by (65) it on a flat (66) in the hot sun. They cooked piece of meat and thin cakes of corn meal in this (67) . We surmise that the earliest kitchen (68) was stick (69) which a piece of meat could be attached and held over a fire. Later this stick was (70) by an iron rod or spit which could be turned frequently to cook the meat (71) all sides.Cooking food in water was (72) before man learned to make water containers that could not be (73) by fire. The (74) cooking pots were reed or grass baskets in which soups, and stews could be cooked. As early as 166 B. C, the Egyptians had learned to make (75) permanent cooking pots out of sand stone. Many years later, the Eskimos learned to make similar pans. 70()
- Tourism in Thailand In 1997 there were over 7 million (29) to Thailand. There were (30) independent travelers (up 4.5% on last year) (31) people on group tours (down 4.7%).The largest number of visitors was (32) East Asia. 78% of group tour travellers and 51% of (33) travellers were from countries such as Malaysia, Hong Kong and Japan. The second largest number of tourists (34) from Europe: 14% of group tour visitors and 27% of independent travellers, (35) the largest number coming from France and Germany. The smallest number of visitors was from Africa. 0.4% of group visitors and 0.9% of independent travellers were from African countries, and (36) half of those were from South Africa.There were changes (37) the numbers of visitors from different countries. Visitors from Argentina were up by 53% for group tours and 26% (38) independent travellers. The number of visitors from Bangladesh was (39) there were 70% fewer group tour visitors and 48% fewer independent travellers than last year. The number of visitors from Sweden was up (40) 24% for group tours and 15% for independent travellers. 34()
- Passage ThreeThe traditional appeal of the income tax has come from its wide acceptance, as a fair tax, closely related to an individual’ s ability to pay. For many years the income tax provided large federal income without imposing heavy burdens on tile great majority of people. By the mid-20th century, however, serious criticisms of tax loopholes were heard. Concerted attempts at reform resulted only in a more complex and eroded tax base. The situation worsened in the 1970s, as rising inflation pushed people into higher tax brackets although their incomes were barely keeping pace with rising prices. This pressure further eroded public confidence in the fairness of the income tax; at the same time it created strong incentives to utilize tax shelters and other loopholes, as well as to conceal off the-record income. Built-in inflation adjustments were adopted, first by a number of states and then in 1985 by the federal government.Income tax policy is inevitably controversial because it rests essentially on judgments that must be constantly reconsidered as social values changes. The complex task of working out the many reductions and exclusions to be allowed from income because they either make for greater fairness among taxpayers or promote worthy social goals ( such as charitable contributions) is one of the most difficult and politically sensitive problems faced by governments.Another major area of dispute is whether wages and salaries should be taxed the same way as business profits or investment income. While some countries and a few U.S. states explicitly apply separate sets of rules to the measurement of different kinds of taxable income, others, like most U.S. state governments, seek to treat all sources of income in the same way. Even so, dissimilarities inevitably arise. Some costs of earning income are more readily deducted(扣除) from business and self-employment earnings than they are front wages and salaries. Inflation, by eroding the value of capital, distorts the measurement of income from that source. Complex adjustments to the tax law could in principle eliminate these imbalance, but most countries have preferred simpler, more arbitrary solutions. In 1985, ()
- The first man who cooked his food, instead of eating it raw, lived so long ago that we have no idea who he was or where he lived. We do know, however, that (56) thousands of years food was always eaten cold and (57) . Perhaps the cooked food was heated accidentally by a (58) fire or by the melted lava from an erupting (59) . When people first tasted food that had been cooked, they found it tasted better. However, (60) after this discover, cooked food must have remained a rarity (61) man learned how to make and light (62) .Primitive men who lived in hot regions could depend on the heat of the sun (63) their food. For example, in the desert (64) of the southwestern. United States, the Indians cooked their food by (65) it on a flat (66) in the hot sun. They cooked piece of meat and thin cakes of corn meal in this (67) . We surmise that the earliest kitchen (68) was stick (69) which a piece of meat could be attached and held over a fire. Later this stick was (70) by an iron rod or spit which could be turned frequently to cook the meat (71) all sides.Cooking food in water was (72) before man learned to make water containers that could not be (73) by fire. The (74) cooking pots were reed or grass baskets in which soups, and stews could be cooked. As early as 166 B. C, the Egyptians had learned to make (75) permanent cooking pots out of sand stone. Many years later, the Eskimos learned to make similar pans. 59()
- 对进口造纸产品施加配额限制将不会有助于我国的大型造纸厂。实际上,配额有助于“小型厂”在我国的繁荣发展,那些国内的小型厂将从我国大型造纸厂那里抢走比在没有配额时外国造纸厂抢走的更多的生意。 以下哪一项如果是正确的,将对以上最后一句所作的宣称提出最严重的质疑
- 西蒙所有的主要著作中有一个共同的主题,即关注( )
- 锅炉房动力用电、水泵用电和照明用电应分别计量。单台锅炉容量超过( )的大型锅炉房,应设置计算机监控系统。
- The first man who cooked his food, instead of eating it raw, lived so long ago that we have no idea who he was or where he lived. We do know, however, that (56) thousands of years food was always eaten cold and (57) . Perhaps the cooked food was heated accidentally by a (58) fire or by the melted lava from an erupting (59) . When people first tasted food that had been cooked, they found it tasted better. However, (60) after this discover, cooked food must have remained a rarity (61) man learned how to make and light (62) .Primitive men who lived in hot regions could depend on the heat of the sun (63) their food. For example, in the desert (64) of the southwestern. United States, the Indians cooked their food by (65) it on a flat (66) in the hot sun. They cooked piece of meat and thin cakes of corn meal in this (67) . We surmise that the earliest kitchen (68) was stick (69) which a piece of meat could be attached and held over a fire. Later this stick was (70) by an iron rod or spit which could be turned frequently to cook the meat (71) all sides.Cooking food in water was (72) before man learned to make water containers that could not be (73) by fire. The (74) cooking pots were reed or grass baskets in which soups, and stews could be cooked. As early as 166 B. C, the Egyptians had learned to make (75) permanent cooking pots out of sand stone. Many years later, the Eskimos learned to make similar pans. 69()
- 假如都市地区被认为包括郊区,都市地区有最大人口比例的州是加州。西部高度都市化,但加州即使在那个地区也是异常的:91%的人口居住在都市地区。然而,从地理学角度而言,加州是乡村的,有96%的土地在都市地区以外。 假如上面的话正确,下列哪一个一定也正确
- 《孙子兵法》日“兵贵胜,不贵久”,意思是说用兵的战术贵能取胜,贵在速战速决。然而,毛泽东的《论持久战》主张的却是持久战,中国军队靠持久战取得了抗日战争的胜利。可见,《论持久战》与《孙子兵法》在“兵不贵久”的观点上是不一致的。 如果以下哪项论述为真,能最有力的削弱上述论证
- Tourism in Thailand In 1997 there were over 7 million (29) to Thailand. There were (30) independent travelers (up 4.5% on last year) (31) people on group tours (down 4.7%).The largest number of visitors was (32) East Asia. 78% of group tour travellers and 51% of (33) travellers were from countries such as Malaysia, Hong Kong and Japan. The second largest number of tourists (34) from Europe: 14% of group tour visitors and 27% of independent travellers, (35) the largest number coming from France and Germany. The smallest number of visitors was from Africa. 0.4% of group visitors and 0.9% of independent travellers were from African countries, and (36) half of those were from South Africa.There were changes (37) the numbers of visitors from different countries. Visitors from Argentina were up by 53% for group tours and 26% (38) independent travellers. The number of visitors from Bangladesh was (39) there were 70% fewer group tour visitors and 48% fewer independent travellers than last year. The number of visitors from Sweden was up (40) 24% for group tours and 15% for independent travellers. 35()
- “政治是政策的制定,行政是政策的执行”,这句话是对下列哪种观点的经典表述( )
- 任何一个人的身体感染了X病毒,一周以后就会产生抵抗这种病毒的抗体。这些抗体的数量在接下来的大约一年左右的时间内都会增加。现在,有一测试可靠地指出了一个人的身体内存在有多少个抗体。如果确实的话,这个测试可在一个人感染上某种病毒的第一年内被用来估计那个人已经感染上这种病毒多长时间了,估计误差在一个月之内。 下面哪一个结论能被上面的论述最有力地支持
- "GRAY-COLLAR"For the first time, Shanghai has officially put forward the concept of "gray-collar workers", which refers to technicians with a high-level of creativity and professional skills, in order to encourage more young people to take up these neglected positions.Twenty-five occupations with 15,000 job positions—such as digital-controlled machine operator and fashion designer—are included in the first batch of "gray collars," mainly in the digital manufacturing industry, according to the Shanghai Labor and Social Security Bureau.Unlike either white collars like management professionals or blue-collar operation workers, gray collar is a new class of workers with a high educational background and strong practicing ability, officials said.It is a distinct group and not a transitory class between the white and blue, officials stressed."The concept was put forward in accordance with Shanghai’s position as the world’s center of digital manufacturing, as well as to help solve unemployment among locals, especially youth," said Zhu Junyi, the bureau director.According to Zhu, some 40 percent of the unemployed in the city are young people who failed to find a steady job after their graduation, which is the second biggest jobless group after middle-aged laid-off workers.Though an increasing number of local university graduates face great job pressure, many posts, especially those for skilled technicians, are still vacant."Most university graduates hope to become white collar workers after graduation, which means there is a big crowd for management positions. But demand for gray collar positions is much larger than the current supply," Zhu said.In this regard, the Shanghai Career Training and Guidance Center will launch a series of profession al training courses for locals who will become gray collars. 26 For which group of people the demand is more than its supply()
- Passage FourWhen Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President of the United States in 1932, not only the United States but also the rest of the world was in the throes of an economic depression. Following the termination of World War I, Britain and the United States at first experienced a boom in industry. Called the roaring Twenties, the 1920s ushered in a number of things--prosperity, greater e quality for women in the work world, rising consumption, and easy credit. The outlook for American business was rosy.October 1929 was a month that had catastrophic economic reverberations worldwide. The American stock market witnessed the "Great Crash," as it is called, and the temporary boom in the American economy came to a standstill. Stock prices sank, and panic spread. The ensuing unemployment figure soared to 12 million by 1932.Germany in the postwar years suffered from extreme deprivation because of burdensome compensation it was obliged to pay to the Allies. The country’ s industrial capacity had been greatly diminished by the war. Inflation, political instability, and high unemployment were factors helpful to the growth of the initial Nazi party. Germans had lost confidence in their old leaders and heralded tile arrival of a messiah-like figure who would lead them out of their economic wilderness. Hitler promised jobs and, once elected, kept his promise by providing employment in the party, in the newly expanded army, and in munitions factories.Roosevelt was elected because he promised a "New Deal" to lift the United States out of the doldrums of the depression. Following the principles by Keynes, a British economist, Roosevelt collected the spending capacities of the federal government to provide welfare, work, and agricultural aid to the millions of down-and-out Americans. Elected President for four terms because of his innovative policies, Roosevelt succeeded in dragging the nation out of the depression before the outbreak of World War Ⅱ. The best title for the passage is()
- Passage TwoDirect adverting includes all forms of sales appeals, mailed, delivered, or exhibited directly to the prospective buyer of an advertised product or service, without use of any indirect medium, such as newspapers or television.. Direct advertising logically may be divided into three broad classifications, namely, direct-mail advertising, mail order advertising, and unmailed direct advertising.All forms of sales appeals that are sent through the mails are considered direct-mail advertising. The chief functions of direct-mail advertising are to familiarize prospective buyers with a product, its name, its maker, and its merits and with the product’ s local distributors. The direct-mail appeal is designed also to support the sales activities of retailers by encouraging the continued patronage of both old and new customers.When no personal selling is involved, other methods are needed to persuade people to send in orders by mail. In addition to newspapers, magazines, radio, and television, other special devices order promotions are designed to accomplish a complete selling job without salespeople.Used for the same broad purposes as direct-mail advertising, unmailed direct-mail advertising, includes all forms of indoor advertising displays and all printed sales appeals distributed from door to door, handed to customers in retail stores or conveyed in some other manner directly to the recipient.With each medium competing keenly for its share of the business, advertising agencies continue to develop new techniques for displaying and selling wares and services. Among these techniques have been vastly improved printing and reproduction methods in the graphic field, adapted to magazine advertisements and to direct-mall enclosures; the use of color in newspaper advertisements and in television; and outdoor signboards more attractively designed and efficiently lighted. Many subtly effective improvements are suggested by advertising research. The word "prospective" in the first sentence of the passage means ()
- 违反《建设工程安全生产管理条例》,建设单位对勘察、设计、施工、工程监理等单位提出不符合安全生产法律、法规和强制性标准规定的要求的责令限期改正,处( )的罚款。
- The first man who cooked his food, instead of eating it raw, lived so long ago that we have no idea who he was or where he lived. We do know, however, that (56) thousands of years food was always eaten cold and (57) . Perhaps the cooked food was heated accidentally by a (58) fire or by the melted lava from an erupting (59) . When people first tasted food that had been cooked, they found it tasted better. However, (60) after this discover, cooked food must have remained a rarity (61) man learned how to make and light (62) .Primitive men who lived in hot regions could depend on the heat of the sun (63) their food. For example, in the desert (64) of the southwestern. United States, the Indians cooked their food by (65) it on a flat (66) in the hot sun. They cooked piece of meat and thin cakes of corn meal in this (67) . We surmise that the earliest kitchen (68) was stick (69) which a piece of meat could be attached and held over a fire. Later this stick was (70) by an iron rod or spit which could be turned frequently to cook the meat (71) all sides.Cooking food in water was (72) before man learned to make water containers that could not be (73) by fire. The (74) cooking pots were reed or grass baskets in which soups, and stews could be cooked. As early as 166 B. C, the Egyptians had learned to make (75) permanent cooking pots out of sand stone. Many years later, the Eskimos learned to make similar pans. 58()
- 如果信道的数据传输速率为1Gbps,那么每1秒钟通过该信道传输的比特数最高可以达到______。
- The first man who cooked his food, instead of eating it raw, lived so long ago that we have no idea who he was or where he lived. We do know, however, that (56) thousands of years food was always eaten cold and (57) . Perhaps the cooked food was heated accidentally by a (58) fire or by the melted lava from an erupting (59) . When people first tasted food that had been cooked, they found it tasted better. However, (60) after this discover, cooked food must have remained a rarity (61) man learned how to make and light (62) .Primitive men who lived in hot regions could depend on the heat of the sun (63) their food. For example, in the desert (64) of the southwestern. United States, the Indians cooked their food by (65) it on a flat (66) in the hot sun. They cooked piece of meat and thin cakes of corn meal in this (67) . We surmise that the earliest kitchen (68) was stick (69) which a piece of meat could be attached and held over a fire. Later this stick was (70) by an iron rod or spit which could be turned frequently to cook the meat (71) all sides.Cooking food in water was (72) before man learned to make water containers that could not be (73) by fire. The (74) cooking pots were reed or grass baskets in which soups, and stews could be cooked. As early as 166 B. C, the Egyptians had learned to make (75) permanent cooking pots out of sand stone. Many years later, the Eskimos learned to make similar pans. 75()
- Passage FiveScientists claim that air pollution causes a decline in the world’ s average air temperature. In order to prove that theory, ecologists have turned to historical data in relation to especially huge volcanic eruptions. They suspect that volcanoes effect weather changes that are similar to air pollution.One source of information is the effect of the eruption of Tambora, a volcano in Sumbawa, the Dutch East Indies ( the former name of the Republic of Indonesia) ,in April 1815. The largest recorded volcanic eruption, Tambora threw 150 million ton of fine ash into the stratosphere. The ash from a volcano spreads worldwide in a few days and remains in the air for years. Its effect is to turn in coming solar radiation into space and thus cool the earth. For example, records of weather in Eng land show that between April and November 1815, the average temperature had fallen 4.5°F during the next twenty-four months, England suffered one of the coldest periods of its history. Farmers’ re cords from April 1815 to December 1818 indicate frost throughout the spring and summer and sharp decreases in crop and livestock markets. Since there was a time lag of several years between cause and effect, by the time the world agricultural commodity community had deteriorated, no one realized the cause.Ecologists today warn that we face a twofold menace. The ever-present possibility of volcanic eruptions, such as that of Mt. St. Helens in Washington, added to man’ s pollution of the atmosphere with oil, gas, coal, and other polluting substances, may bring us increasingly colder weather. According to the passage, the effects of Tempura' s eruption were()
- 在偏心受压柱中,垂直于弯矩作用平面的纵向受力钢筋以及轴心受压柱中各边的纵向受力钢筋,其间距不应大于( )mm。
- 后张法预应力混凝土构件中的预应力钢筋的预留孔道之间的净距不应小于( )mm。
- 西蒙认为,决定决策者行为的是( )
- 教工商管理专业的学生学习管理实践很重要。因此,学校应给学生开设沙盘模拟训练。 下面哪个如果正确,最能削弱上面的论证
- 李小姐:我们仍不知道机器是否能够思考。计算机能够执行非常复杂的任务但是却缺乏人类智慧的灵活特性。 陈先生:我们不需要更复杂的计算机来弄清机器是否能够思考,我们人类就是机器,而我们可以思考。 陈先生对李小姐的回应基于对哪个词的重新解释
- 西蒙的研究主要针对的是两种人,即( )
- 政府为从军火商那里购买的标准武器支付的价格是由一种叫做“历史成本法”的定价方法决定的。历史成本法允许军火商基于当前的通货膨胀率,在上一年合同价格上增加一个百分比,以此来保护他们的利润。 以下哪一项陈述如果是正确的,可以成为批评将历史成本法作为军火合同定价办法在经济上的合理性的最好基础
- 尽管衡量外部咨询者的效率复杂费力,但K公司的长期项目严重依赖咨询者,所以,就必须找到评估这些咨询者的绩效的方法。如果一家公司没有评估其人力资源的效率,那么其风险就会非常之大。去年,L公司在其效率在第三个季度下降后,被迫进入破产管理阶段。 在上述论证中,黑体部分起到的作用是下面哪一个
- 西蒙认为,提供决策前提的首要责任在( )
- 给原来的黑白照片上色是不合适的,如果这些照片被拍成彩色的,与之相配合的艺术选择可能以其他方式作出。这些拍照场景的灯光被安排在黑白两色下看起来更合适。 以下哪项,替代上面关于拍照场景灯光的论述,将给予原论证相同类型的支持
- Tourism in Thailand In 1997 there were over 7 million (29) to Thailand. There were (30) independent travelers (up 4.5% on last year) (31) people on group tours (down 4.7%).The largest number of visitors was (32) East Asia. 78% of group tour travellers and 51% of (33) travellers were from countries such as Malaysia, Hong Kong and Japan. The second largest number of tourists (34) from Europe: 14% of group tour visitors and 27% of independent travellers, (35) the largest number coming from France and Germany. The smallest number of visitors was from Africa. 0.4% of group visitors and 0.9% of independent travellers were from African countries, and (36) half of those were from South Africa.There were changes (37) the numbers of visitors from different countries. Visitors from Argentina were up by 53% for group tours and 26% (38) independent travellers. The number of visitors from Bangladesh was (39) there were 70% fewer group tour visitors and 48% fewer independent travellers than last year. The number of visitors from Sweden was up (40) 24% for group tours and 15% for independent travellers. 31()
- 西蒙认为,手段一目的链中最高层次的运作目标是( )
- 在传统的程序性决策方法中,运用最广泛的技术是( )
- 当土地在春季被犁时,整个冬季都在土壤里的藜的种子被翻到地面,然后重新沉积到表层的下面。种子短暂的曝光刺激了感受器。感受器在种子埋在土里的那几个月的时间已对太阳光变得高度敏感,受刺激后的感受器激发种子发芽。没有漫长的黑暗和随后的曝光,藜的种子就不会发芽。 上面的陈述,如果正确,能最强有力地支持下面哪一个关于一块将要在春季犁,且有藜的种子整个冬季都被埋在土壤里的土地的陈述
- 除非谈判马上开始,否则有争议的双方中将有一方会违反停火协议。当且仅当其他的国家迫使双方进行谈判时,才会举行谈判。当且仅当其他的国家在谈判进行的整个过程中给双方都施加压力时,他们才能达成一个协议。但是直到强行执行停火的国际部队表明他们具有反击来自任何一方进攻的能力,从而能压制住双方重新交战的一个主要诱因时,双方才会举行谈判。 如果上面的陈述是正确的,并且双方之间的谈判确实不久就要开始,在这些谈判开始时,下面除了哪一项之外也都一定是正确的
- 西蒙把刺激分为( )
- Passage TwoDirect adverting includes all forms of sales appeals, mailed, delivered, or exhibited directly to the prospective buyer of an advertised product or service, without use of any indirect medium, such as newspapers or television.. Direct advertising logically may be divided into three broad classifications, namely, direct-mail advertising, mail order advertising, and unmailed direct advertising.All forms of sales appeals that are sent through the mails are considered direct-mail advertising. The chief functions of direct-mail advertising are to familiarize prospective buyers with a product, its name, its maker, and its merits and with the product’ s local distributors. The direct-mail appeal is designed also to support the sales activities of retailers by encouraging the continued patronage of both old and new customers.When no personal selling is involved, other methods are needed to persuade people to send in orders by mail. In addition to newspapers, magazines, radio, and television, other special devices order promotions are designed to accomplish a complete selling job without salespeople.Used for the same broad purposes as direct-mail advertising, unmailed direct-mail advertising, includes all forms of indoor advertising displays and all printed sales appeals distributed from door to door, handed to customers in retail stores or conveyed in some other manner directly to the recipient.With each medium competing keenly for its share of the business, advertising agencies continue to develop new techniques for displaying and selling wares and services. Among these techniques have been vastly improved printing and reproduction methods in the graphic field, adapted to magazine advertisements and to direct-mall enclosures; the use of color in newspaper advertisements and in television; and outdoor signboards more attractively designed and efficiently lighted. Many subtly effective improvements are suggested by advertising research. Direct advertising ()
- 以下哪一项能最好地完成以下短文 在最近一次关于对渤海湾的环境威胁的会议上,大多数与会环海地区代表同意一致控制排水质量,不管某些环境损害是否归因于某一特别的废水源。为避免过多的限制性控制,当然必须表明:
- 多媒体通信中不同类型的数据对于通信网络的性能和服务有不同的要求。未压缩语音数据的传输要求通信带宽一般要达到______。
- 在语言系统中,精确和模糊是两个相互矛盾的特征,然而,它们却对人们交流的有效性和可靠性起着重要的作用。只有一种语言是完全精确的,它才是完全有效的。如果一种语言是完全精确的,那么其基本音节的每一种可能的组合都将成为一个有独立意义的词。但是,如果人类的听觉器官接收声音信号的功能不完美的话,那么,一种语言基本音节的每一种可能的组合就不可能是一个有独立意义的词。 如果以上的论述为真,以下哪一项不可能为假
- 关于Unix操作系统的结构和特性,以下哪种说法是错误的?
- Tourism in Thailand In 1997 there were over 7 million (29) to Thailand. There were (30) independent travelers (up 4.5% on last year) (31) people on group tours (down 4.7%).The largest number of visitors was (32) East Asia. 78% of group tour travellers and 51% of (33) travellers were from countries such as Malaysia, Hong Kong and Japan. The second largest number of tourists (34) from Europe: 14% of group tour visitors and 27% of independent travellers, (35) the largest number coming from France and Germany. The smallest number of visitors was from Africa. 0.4% of group visitors and 0.9% of independent travellers were from African countries, and (36) half of those were from South Africa.There were changes (37) the numbers of visitors from different countries. Visitors from Argentina were up by 53% for group tours and 26% (38) independent travellers. The number of visitors from Bangladesh was (39) there were 70% fewer group tour visitors and 48% fewer independent travellers than last year. The number of visitors from Sweden was up (40) 24% for group tours and 15% for independent travellers. 33()
- Tourism in Thailand In 1997 there were over 7 million (29) to Thailand. There were (30) independent travelers (up 4.5% on last year) (31) people on group tours (down 4.7%).The largest number of visitors was (32) East Asia. 78% of group tour travellers and 51% of (33) travellers were from countries such as Malaysia, Hong Kong and Japan. The second largest number of tourists (34) from Europe: 14% of group tour visitors and 27% of independent travellers, (35) the largest number coming from France and Germany. The smallest number of visitors was from Africa. 0.4% of group visitors and 0.9% of independent travellers were from African countries, and (36) half of those were from South Africa.There were changes (37) the numbers of visitors from different countries. Visitors from Argentina were up by 53% for group tours and 26% (38) independent travellers. The number of visitors from Bangladesh was (39) there were 70% fewer group tour visitors and 48% fewer independent travellers than last year. The number of visitors from Sweden was up (40) 24% for group tours and 15% for independent travellers. 32()
- 在英语课上,50名学生进行了同声传译的测试。随后这些学生上了两天的同声传译的培训课,这些学生又重新进行了测试,他们的准确率提高了39.8%。该结果表明,培训课对于提高人们的同声传译准确率是十分有效的。 下列哪个选项,如果正确,最能支持以上论述
- 西蒙将处于运作差距两端中间的状况称为( )
- 下列哪个URL是错误的______?
- 西蒙认为,在决策者的人的选择模式中,强调决策中的情感考虑的是( )
- 甲、乙、丙、丁四人的血型各不相同,即他们的血型各是A、B、O、AB的一种。甲说:我是A型;乙说:我是O型;丙说:我是AB型;丁说:我不是AB型。 结果发现,四个人的话中,只有一个是假的。 根据上述情况,以下哪项成立
- 戏剧演员和戏曲演员不同,戏剧演员要想成功,必须通过表演特点反映相关观众的兴趣点和价值观来给观众带来乐趣。一个戏曲演员几年内才成名,但戏剧演员必须是一举成名,否则便会销声匿迹。因此,我国目前获得成功的戏剧演员表演特点是当今时代典型品位和态度的反映。 上文的作者假定:
- 哈丁争论说,人们使用共同拥有的(即对任何使用者都开放的)牧场比使用私人的牧场更不注意。每个放牧者都有过度使用公用地的冲动。因为从中获得的利益将归于个人,而由于过度使用土地引起的土地质量下降的成本由所有使用者分摊。但一项研究比较了2.17亿英亩的公用牧场和4.33亿英亩的私人牧场,结果表明公用牧场的条件更好。 以下哪一项如果是正确的并为放牧者所知,将最有助于解释该项研究的结果
- Tourism in Thailand In 1997 there were over 7 million (29) to Thailand. There were (30) independent travelers (up 4.5% on last year) (31) people on group tours (down 4.7%).The largest number of visitors was (32) East Asia. 78% of group tour travellers and 51% of (33) travellers were from countries such as Malaysia, Hong Kong and Japan. The second largest number of tourists (34) from Europe: 14% of group tour visitors and 27% of independent travellers, (35) the largest number coming from France and Germany. The smallest number of visitors was from Africa. 0.4% of group visitors and 0.9% of independent travellers were from African countries, and (36) half of those were from South Africa.There were changes (37) the numbers of visitors from different countries. Visitors from Argentina were up by 53% for group tours and 26% (38) independent travellers. The number of visitors from Bangladesh was (39) there were 70% fewer group tour visitors and 48% fewer independent travellers than last year. The number of visitors from Sweden was up (40) 24% for group tours and 15% for independent travellers. 29()
- 在IP数据报的传递过程中,IP数据报报头中保持不变的域包括______。
- 注册执业人员未执行法律、法规和工程建设强制性标准的,情节严重的,吊销执 业资格证书,( )内不予注册。
- Passage TwoDirect adverting includes all forms of sales appeals, mailed, delivered, or exhibited directly to the prospective buyer of an advertised product or service, without use of any indirect medium, such as newspapers or television.. Direct advertising logically may be divided into three broad classifications, namely, direct-mail advertising, mail order advertising, and unmailed direct advertising.All forms of sales appeals that are sent through the mails are considered direct-mail advertising. The chief functions of direct-mail advertising are to familiarize prospective buyers with a product, its name, its maker, and its merits and with the product’ s local distributors. The direct-mail appeal is designed also to support the sales activities of retailers by encouraging the continued patronage of both old and new customers.When no personal selling is involved, other methods are needed to persuade people to send in orders by mail. In addition to newspapers, magazines, radio, and television, other special devices order promotions are designed to accomplish a complete selling job without salespeople.Used for the same broad purposes as direct-mail advertising, unmailed direct-mail advertising, includes all forms of indoor advertising displays and all printed sales appeals distributed from door to door, handed to customers in retail stores or conveyed in some other manner directly to the recipient.With each medium competing keenly for its share of the business, advertising agencies continue to develop new techniques for displaying and selling wares and services. Among these techniques have been vastly improved printing and reproduction methods in the graphic field, adapted to magazine advertisements and to direct-mall enclosures; the use of color in newspaper advertisements and in television; and outdoor signboards more attractively designed and efficiently lighted. Many subtly effective improvements are suggested by advertising research. From the last paragraph we learn ()
- Tourism in Thailand In 1997 there were over 7 million (29) to Thailand. There were (30) independent travelers (up 4.5% on last year) (31) people on group tours (down 4.7%).The largest number of visitors was (32) East Asia. 78% of group tour travellers and 51% of (33) travellers were from countries such as Malaysia, Hong Kong and Japan. The second largest number of tourists (34) from Europe: 14% of group tour visitors and 27% of independent travellers, (35) the largest number coming from France and Germany. The smallest number of visitors was from Africa. 0.4% of group visitors and 0.9% of independent travellers were from African countries, and (36) half of those were from South Africa.There were changes (37) the numbers of visitors from different countries. Visitors from Argentina were up by 53% for group tours and 26% (38) independent travellers. The number of visitors from Bangladesh was (39) there were 70% fewer group tour visitors and 48% fewer independent travellers than last year. The number of visitors from Sweden was up (40) 24% for group tours and 15% for independent travellers. 38()
- 最近的一则调查报告显示,参加民意测验的人中,有50%的人认为三鹿集团的高管如被控告有罪时就应辞职,而有35%的人认为只有当三鹿集团的高管被宣判有罪时,他们才应当辞职。因此,认为三鹿集团的高管被控告时应辞职的人比认为三鹿集团的高管被宣判有罪时应该辞职的人多。 上述推理有缺陷,因为它:
- 西蒙指出了可以用来比较程序性和非程序性决策过程的四个阶段,其中寻找决策的场合是指( )
- 我不在犯罪现场。如果我在,那么我没有犯罪。如果我犯了罪,那么一定是我神志不清。 以下哪项与上述论证最相似
- 西蒙认为,旨在确立决策者如何行为的观点的行政学是( )
- 领导阶层在多次公开报道中都着重强调:公民很好地理解国际方面的事务是非常需要的。如果一个国家想在国际竞争的时代保持领先的地位,这种需要就是无可否认的。如果存在这样的需要,那么,就必须准备教授给我们所有的新教师国际方面的知识。 如果上述命题都为真,以下哪项必然真
- 西蒙认为,行政的核心是( )
- 对民办高校的招生广告的限制越少,希望进行广告宣传的民办高校就越多,并且为招生进行广告宣传的高校对学生的收费比没有进行广告宣传的高校低。因此,如果一个地区取消招生广告限制中的任何一项,例如禁止那些没有标明收费标准的广告,那么考生在高校的花费将低于该地区保留目前的限制的情况。 以下哪一项如果是正确的,将最严重地削弱关于学生在民办高校中的花费的论述
- 关于Windows XP服务器端软件,以下哪种说法是正确的?
- 公安机关的任务,是指公安机关在( )所确定的管辖范围内,为实现一定的目标所承担的工作内容。
- 西蒙认为,任何组织理论的两个中心考虑是( )
- 西蒙认为,在一特定环境中将特定的价值最大化的正确行为是( )
- 人民检察院对公安机关及其人民警察的监督,主要是在( )活动中实现的。
- 西蒙用以取代行政学中传统的“政治—行政”两分法的方法是( )
- 8、( )是公安机关的总任务。
- 高层建筑楼板构造,哪一种不符合《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》的防火要求()?