
According to the writer, insurance is __________请根据以下内容回答问题Insurance (保险)is the sharing of risks. Nearly everyone isexposed to risk of some sort. The house owner, for example, knows that hisproperty can be damaged by fire; the ship-owner knows that his vessel may belost at sea; the breadwinner knows that he may die at any early age and leavehis family poorer. On the other hand, not every house is damaged by fire norevery vessel lost at sea. If these persons, each put a small sum into a pool,there will be enough to meet the needs of the few who do suffer loss. In otherwords, the losses of the few are met from the contributions of the many. Thisis the basis of insurance. Those who pay the contribution are known as insuredand those who administer(管理)the pool of contributionsas insurers.The legal basis of all insurance is thepolicy. This is a printed form of contract on stout paper of the best quality.It states that in return for the regular payment by the insured of a named sumof money, called the pre- mium(保险费), which is usually paid every year, the insurer will pay a sum ofmoney or compensation for loss, if the risk or event insured against actuallyhappens. The premium for an insurance naturally depends upon how likely therisk is to happen, as suggested by past experience, ff companies fix theirpremiums too high, there will be more to make the premium too low, they willlose money and may even have to drop out of busi- ness. So the ordinary forcesof supply and demand keep premiums at a level satisfactory to both the insurerand the insured.According to the writer, insurance is possible because__________

A. useful but too risky
B. useful and necessary
C. costly but worth buying
D. cheap but not necessary


Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?请根据以下内容回答下面的题目 The business cycle is made up of many phases and one of them is the expansion phase which is divided into two parts--recovery and prosperity,During the recovery period there is a growing expansion of existing equipment. And new facilities for production are created. More busines~s are created and older ones expand. Many kinds of important improve- ments are made. People hold increasingly positive view about the future of economic growth. Much capital is invested in machinery or "heavy" industry. More labor is employed, More raw materials are required. As more economy departments develop, other departments are affected. For example, the expansion in automobiles results in an expansion of the steel and rubber indusWies. Roads are required; thus the cement and machinery industries are activated. Demand for labor and materials results in greater prosperity for workers and suppliers of raw materials. This increases the amount of goods bought and sold. This prosperity can be seen among the various parts of the population.This prosperity period may continue to rise without an obvious end, However, when this phase reaches a peak and stops going upwards, it is the end of the expansion phase. Which of the following will happen in economic recovery?

A. Sections of economy do not influence each other.
B. In the expansion phase the business maintains development in the long rtm.
C. The end of the business in the prosperity period can be obviously seen.
D. Parts of economy are closely related to each other.
