A. 环境决定着对项目的需求,决定着项目的存在价值 B. 环境决定着项目的技术方案和实施方案以及它们的优化 C. 环境是产生风险的根源 D. 环境决定上层系统的决策
A. floats B. stretches C. handles easily D. resists rot
A. add strength to a weak spot in a line B. join two hawsers C. be a stopper to transfer a line under strain D. join lines of different size
A. at the base of the boom B. at the cargo hook C. near the midships guy D. near the spider band
A. monkey's fist B. ball or baseball knot C. heaving knot D. three strand Turk's head
A. pawls B. sockets C. pockets D. devil's claw
A. cotton B. hemp C. manila D. sisal