A. interrupted quick flashing B. composite group flashing C. Morse (A) D. quick flashing
A. left-side buoy B. right-side buoy C. a buoy of safety D. a buoy of danger
A. must utilize magnetic courses B. must take set and drift into account C. should be replotted hourly D. should be started each time the vessel's position is fixed
A. longitude line B. latitude line C. line of position D. fix
A. buoys close at hand B. fixed known objects on shore C. buoys at a distance D. All of the above
A. flashing red lights upstream and fixed red lights downstream B. yellow unlighted buoys C. signs and/or flashing red lights D. red daymarks upstream and green daymarks downstream
A. glare from background lighting B. existing visibility conditions C. elevation of the light D. observer's height of eye
A. under existing visibility conditions B. under perfect visibility C. with ten miles visibility D. with fifteen miles visibility
A. small circle B. great circle C. rhumb line D. hyperbola
A. encountered B. met C. contacted D. see