A. She blushed when talking to a group of people. B. She couldn't help looking at a sign when she gave a presentation. C. She didn't know the answer to the professor's question. D. She felt embarrassed talking to the man.
A. She could forget about people, so she won't blush. B. She could know where to exit, which makes her feel safe. C. She could know how many people have left the room. D. She could get more confidence because the professor is standing there.
A learned one. B. A born one. C. A normal one. D. A foolish one.
A. To give Sarah an exceptional example. B. To support his idea that women blush more than men. C. To introduce Brian to Sarah. D. To tell Sarah men also blush a lot.
A. He was watching a game on TV with some friends. B. He was seeing his wife off at the airport. C. He was having a barbeque with some friends. D. He was playing a game with some friends.
A. Henry's friends kicked it because they were very excited. B. Henry accidentally dropped it. C. One of Henry's friends bumped into it with his arm. D. One of Henry's friends was too excited to hold the vase.
A. It burned up in a fire. B. Hot water damaged the entire copy. C. Someone mistakenly threw it into the trash. D. It was soaked in blue ink.
A. Disappointed. B. Furious. C. Satisfied. D. Unhelpful.
A. It is obviously a mental process. B. It is more of a physical process than a mental action. C. It is a process that involves one's entire body. D. It involves the muscles as well as the brain.
A. Because they are natural conductors of concerts. Because they want to show that they understand the music. C. Because only in this way can they enjoy it fully. D. Because they cannot grasp it if they don't perform it.