A. 对 B. 错
A. order B. book C. see D. look
A. of B. on C. by D. with
A. making B. arranging C. arranges D. arrange
A:find enough CDs; B:have candles big enough to cover the holes of the CDs.; C:use candles with strong scents.; D:choose their colors carefully.;
A:Here’s your bill, sir. It totals up to $300.; B:Would you like to sign for it?; C:We’ve run out of money.; D:Do you take personal cheques?;
A:celebrate events or holidays; B:present awards; C:raise funds for charity; D:warn people of danger;
A. 在炎热的夏天测定 B. 读数时眼睛位置低于温度计的汞线上端 C. 毛细管壁太厚且加热太快 D. 样品不干