A. Can they smoke in the engine room? B. Can they smoke in the radio room? C. Do they smoke in the engine room? D. Will they smoke in the cabin room?
A. What kind of ships do you have? B. What kind of ships have you worked on? C. Why did he work on oil tanker? D. Why did he work on LNG tanker?
A. How many main engines are there on ship? B. How many main rooms are there on board? C. How many main departments are there on board? D. How many main machines are there on board?
A. I worked on board 15 years ago. B. I have worked on ship for 10 years. C. I have worked as a sailor for 15 years. D. I have worked on board for 15 years.
A. Which country did the chief motorman come from? B. Which country did the chief engineer come from? C. Which country did the chief officer come from? D. Which country did the first engineer come from?
A. We will reach the pilot station at 18:00 tomorrow. B. We have to reach the pilot station at 8:00 tomorrow. C. We should reach the pilot station at 18:00 tomorrow. D. We need reach the pilot station at 8:00 tomorrow.
A. Do you keep recording while working? B. Do you keep watching when he work? C. Will you keep on duty this evening? Do you keep a record while the crew works?
A. Do you have your seaman book and passport? B. Do you wants to show the seaman book and passport. C. Do you have your seaman book and health certificate? Do you want to see the seaman book and passport.
A. Which ports did you visit last time? B. Which ports did you visit during last voyage? C. Which country did you visit during last voyage? D. Which country did you visit during last time?
A. Shall I phone the chief man. B. Shall I phone the duty motorman. C. Shall I phone the duty engineer. D. Shall I phone the chief engineer.