A. The high value B. Low density or weight C. A and B D. Shortest time to transport
A. The high value B. Low density or weight C. A and B D. To add cost
A. Cost B. Speed C. Lost and damage ratios D. Transit time and frequency of service
A. Integration Business reengineering C. Supply chain management D. ERP
A. Location of market B. Government regulation C. competition D. Seasonality of products flow
A. Containerization techniques B. Information techniques C. A and B D. GPS, EDI, POS and so on
A. Rail and motor B. Motor and rail C. Rail and rail D. Water and rail
A. Fixed Quantity System B. Fixed Timing System C. Fixed Channel System Double-note system
A. contract Business agreement C. supply chain D. network
A. evidence of the contract of carriage B. Document C. Trading record D. Bill