
- 最大元一定存在,且可以有无穷多个
- 具有麻醉性质的镇痛药是.
- 下列哪一药物是非麻醉性镇痛药.
- 吗啡主要用于.
- Which of the following is not non-surgical treatment for caries lesion?
- Which is not the non-mechanical rotary techniques of dental caries in the following?
- 变桨功能的车间调试完成后,变桨角度应该为()度。
- 偏航系统车间调试完成后,偏航角度应为( )度。
- 在变桨运行过程中,在用万用表检测变桨编码器的信号A与电源负之间的电压值时,数值应该约为( )V。
- 在变桨运行过程中,监控界面上编码器信号A、信号B的状态应该呈现为( )。
- 当变桨运行到91度时,此时监控界面上91度变桨限位开关的状态的颜色应为()。
- 当91度变桨限位开关信号触发时,采用万用表检测限位开关的电源负、信号,两者之间的电压值应为()。
- 在对HN型风电机组进行变桨对零调试时,查看监控界面发现当前变桨角度实际值为零,但是设备实际变桨角度值逆时针偏离0度位置约为45度,请问此时变桨角度输入值应该为( )。
- 简述楼板的设计要求。
- 筷子是中餐最主要的餐具。中国人每一顿饭都离不开它。Chopsticks, kuai zi, are the most important____ in China. Chinese use them during each meal.
- 它取材简单,只要两根小细棒。大多用竹或木头制成,却巧妙地运用了杠杆原理,可以轻松对付各种食物。They’re made of single material with two ____. They're ____ wood or bamboo and use the ____ to _____.
- 和西方的刀叉一样,使用筷子同样讲究餐桌礼仪。中国人使用筷子至少有3000年的历史。____ are important when using chopsticks just like using forks and knives in the West. Chinese have used kuai zi for _____ 3,000 years.
- 它还传播到日本、韩国等亚洲国家。筷子取材于自然,追求简约。它体现中国人的一种生活智慧。They have been ____ Asian countries like Japan and South Korea. The materials ____. They ____ of the Chinese.
- 传说古时,有位穷书生在之上随手写下了一个福字,妻子把它撕了出来。这就是剪纸的起源。剪纸常常是评价女人手巧的标准之一。Long, long ago there was a poor scholar who ____ ‘fu’ or ‘happiness’ on paper and his wife ____. This is the ____ paper cutting (jian zhi). The jian zhi craft is considered to be ____ to ____ a smart woman.
- 人们认为,剪纸好的女人聪明。剪纸的图案内容大多来源于普通生活。剪纸的技巧一是在剪,二是在刻。讲究镂空People think a woman who is good at making delicate jian zhi is a smart. Jian zhi ____.____ are two skills used to make jian zhi. _____ are important for jian zhi designs.
- 剪纸是一种非常受欢迎的民间艺术形式。它传达了中国人的吉祥,祝福之意。Jian zhi is a popular ____. Jian zhi ____ Chinese people’s wishes for happiness and good luck.
- 古人在与朋友相聚时饮茶作诗,留下许多杰作。茶起源于中国,按茶的颜色分主要有绿茶,红茶,黄茶,黑茶,白茶六类。Many outstanding Chinese poems were ____ in the company of cha.____ in China, cha is ____ green tea, ____, yellow tea, ____ and white tea, according to its color.
- 品茶是精神享受的过程。烹茶时,茶、水、器、火,缺一不可。茶叶要看其形状、色泽、香味。The ____ for drinking cha are delightful. Cha, water, wares and fire are ____ when making cha. The shape, color and ____ of cha are quite important.
- 水要清澈、甘甜。火要干净无异味。茶具以瓷器和紫砂为主。喝茶使人更亲近自然。The water should be ____ and sweet. The fire should be clean without odour. The ____ and purple clay tea sets are widely used. People feel ____ by drinking cha.
- 列车运行,遇大雪天气,列车不容易发生( )。
- 司机遇钢轨丢失,使用( )停车。
- 在不得已情况下,列车必须退行,司机应将换向手柄置于( )位。
- 当列车退行时,列车运行速度为19KM/H,LKJ输入( )指令。
- 司机遇钢轨丢失,司机停车上报车站调度员。
- 列车运行,遇大雪天气,司机应注意接触网状态。