A. nervous B. timid C. fearful D. brave
A. Tabby B. Freedom C. Millie D. Wolf
A mean drunk tossed the cat off the deck. B. She dropped down the deck by herself. C. She was beaten by a mean drunk. D. She was killed by the dog.
A. another cat B. the mean drunk C. the wife D. the dog
A. his daughter and his sister B. his brothers C. his wife D. his parents
A. She died soon after she was born becaused she was deformed. B. She died because of a car accident. C. She died from a serious illness. D. She died from hatred.
A. She died from an accident. B. She died of an illness. C. She committed suicide. D. She died from hate and alcohol.
A. the new thing B. hope and rebirth C. the old memory D. a new discovery
A. the eternal theme of love, death and life B. the tragic life of animals C. the tragic life of human beings D. the sorrows of the world
A. the death of a cat B. the sad story of human beings C. the fight between the cat and the dog D. the meaning of life