QuizDirections : Please fill in the blanks with the compound adjectives you hear. Don’t forget to link the words with a hyphen.1.Raspberries are (1) fruit , making their health benefits go potentially unnoticed . The small red fruit has been referred to as a (2) powerhouse, with their anticancer benefits making them one of the most important health benefits of raspberries .2. Since much of (3) produce is ready to eat and is consumed raw, consumers have little ability to protect themselves from foodborne illness resulting from consumption of contaminated raw (3)produce. (本题两个空答案一样,填空时只填一次即可)3.The theater owners group tells us that 100 to 150 new 3D screens are being added each month, but there will also be a big push from studios as well as they're looking to score (4) profits from these big budget 3D films.4. The scientists estimate the Gulf Stream , home to some of the most powerful currents on the planet ,has the potential to provide (5) Florida with a third of its electricity.5. So when Xi Jing Ping looks to Europe right now, and he says, Who is my (6) leader? He looks to Emmanuel Macron. And they have a lot to talk about. Obviously, all the issues we know, such as North Korea, such as climate change, such as fighting terror and the financing of terror, but also more difficult issues such as market access.6. Big news in China’s (7) market, the country's two largest (8) providers, Dididacha and Kuaididacha have announced a merger.The combined company will adopt a (9) system, which means their brands and businesses will develop independently.Quaidi, has, is backed by Alibaba Group and Didi is backed by Tencent. The two companies have not revealed the proportion of shareholding and assessed value of the new company.But a successful merger would create a dominant player with more than 95% of China's mobile (10) business and an unexpected evaluation of six billion US dollars.
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