Gossip and rumor are part of the fabric of working life—they1(娱乐),inform and connect people, but they can also ruin reputations,2(摧毁)trust, create bad attitudes and even reduce productivity.What distinguishes the helpful consequences from the harmful is the intention behind what is said, how the infromation is perceived and acted on, and the length of time it is allowed to3(传播)and fester.As well as providing informal communication networks, gossip and rumor act as psychological spaces for perceived4(不公平)and power imbalances, or emotions such as jealousy, resentment, boredom and even5(仇恨). When it is not possible to confront an issue or person directly, chats with colleagues, become a way of offloading frustrations. People's6(焦虑)heighten at times of change and uncertainty, such as when an organization restructures, changes leadership or undertakes a merger or acquisition.Such situations lead people to worry about how they will be7(影响). Who will be promoted or demoted, whose job will disappear or be changed, and who will be paid what?In the absence of8(充足的)information from management, people naturally create narratives to fill the void. They longer executives take to make9(决策), the more anxious people become and the more rumors fill the vacuum and make sense of the10(不确定).
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