Fill in the blanks with words from the text.In Western medicine, stress is correlated with 1) ________. In contrast, stress is considered to result from negative mental actions or thoughts in Eastern medicine. Whatever it is, it is agreed that people may react to stress either negatively or positively. From the perspective of a Taoist, one’s reaction to stress is due to his qi, which is both 2) _________ and self-acquired. It is not hormonal but the internal energy, which can be 3) ___________ by proper breathing and be dissipated by poor breathing. As a matter of fact, recent studies recommend Asian methods to eliminate stress. For instance, acupuncture, developed by early Taoists, can be used to regulate and 4) _________ qi and has gradually been accepted by Western medical practitioners due to its 5) ________.Also, instead of 6) ____________ or avoiding the stress, you must learn to change your response to the things that create it. According to Taoist philosophy, three basic criteria are 7) __________, massaging and breathing: The first is to acquire a 8) __________ that allows for the release of your self-trained responses to stressful situations; the second is to learn how to pay attention to yourself in a positive manner by massaging and 9) __________ certain areas of the body; the third criterion is to learn how to breathe stress away, for breathing directly affects the 10) ____________ of the blood and our central nervous system.
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