
Wang Gang, CFA, is a bank industry research analyst for a large broker and dealer firm. He is attending a company presentation for Mellon Bank with a small group of analysts from other companies. A co

A. Must refrain from discussing the information with anyone else.
B. May act on this information as it is no longer material,non-public information when public.
C. Should encourage the company that issued the information to make it public as soon as possible.


Which of the following statements regarding the verification of a companys claim to be in compliance with the GIPS standards is not true?

An initial verification must cover a minimum period of five years.
B. A verifier may accept the work of a previous verifier as part of the basis opinion.
C. Verification reports must confirm that the firm has complied with all GIPS requirements on a firm-wide basis.

According to the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct, beneficial security ownership that might impair ones professional judgment must be disclosed to all of the following except:

A. Clients
B. Prospects
C. Fellow members employed by the same firm

With respect to the different views about short-term fluctuations in the economy, what is the primary driver of aggregate demand according to the:
Keynesian view? Classical view?With respect to the different views about short-term fluctuations in the economy, what is the primary driver of aggregate demand according to the:
Keynesian view? Classical view?

A. Futureexpectations Technologicalchange
B. Futureexpectations Thesupplyofmoney
Currentpricelevel Technologicalchange

Zhang Zhong, CFA, is a portfolio manager in a large investment management company. He discovers that Chen Qin, CFA, one of the assistant portfolio managers he supervises, may have violated the local s

A. Place limits on the employees activities.
B. Report the conduct to governmental authorities.
C. Start an investigation to determine the extent of the wrong doing.
