A. 细菌性肠炎应遵医嘱使用抗生素抗感染
B. 病毒性肠炎以饮食疗法和支持疗法为主
C. 可使用微生态疗法和肠黏膜保护剂
D. 以上都是
A. 每次便后均要用温水清洗并吸干
B. 保持会阴部及肛周皮肤清洁、干燥
C. 选用吸水性强的柔软棉布类尿布
D. 以上都是
Those poorly educated people are actually more _______ to the ongoing economic crisis.
A. dangerous
B. vulnerable
C. perilous
D. inherent
We recognize how little we _______ know about education, and therefore how cautious we must be in making changes to the present situation
A. genuinely
B. excessively
C. instantly
D. partially