又称T小组法,简称ST(Sensitivit3r Frainiag)法。
A. 头脑风暴法
B. 管理者训练
C. 模拟训练法
D. 敏感性训练
A. 按设备定员
B. 按比例定员
C. 按劳动效率定员
D. 按岗位定员
A. 国民收入
B. 基尼系数
C. 人均GDP
D. 需求弹性
By saying that the problems of mechanizing some areas are not only cultural in nature, the
A. mechanization is not yet introduced in some areas for economic reasons
B. human and animal labour in some areas are less expensive
C. culture is not a factor in obstacling the introduction of mechanization
D. different kinds of mechanized farming tools are used in different cultures
Then in 1858, the schedule was interrupted. Farmer Gray died. Three days after the funeral exactly at one o'clock, Traill found him self looking into a pair of beseeching canine eyes. Bobby got his bun and disappeared. This was repeated for several days until Traill's curiosity got the better of him. He followed the small terrier as he left and raced to his master's grave. There he remained each day, fair or foul, despite the efforts of dog-loving townspeople to give him a new home. The graveyard caretaker, while sympathetic, was at first not so willing to let him in. But Bobby's devotion and fidelity were so great that the caretaker provided Bobby with a shelter close to the grave to protect him from bad weather.
Then, after nine years, Bobby was arrested as a vagrant because he had no license. The restaurant keeper appeared in court with Bob by mile was released by merciful justice. But just to make sure the law could not touch him. Lord Provost William Chambers paid Bobby's fee each year and presented him with a brass-plated collar inscribed "Grey friars' Bobby from The Lord Provost, 1876, License."
After that, Grey friars' Bobby was allowed to keep his lonely vigil undisturbed. He never varied his mealtime. Each day he left the graveyard as the gun roared one o'clock to pick up his bun and take it back to eat at his master's side. He must have been really hardy for he lived until 1872, having kept to his solitary post for fourteen long years. He was buried in Grey friars, of course, in a flower bed near John Gray's tombstone.
An appropriate title for the passage could be _______.
A. Traill's Dining Room
B. Farmer John Gray
C. Bobby the Faithful
D. Lord Provost William Chambers