A. 最早的涉茶文是西汉王褒的记事散文《僮约》,其中有烹荼尽具,武阳买荼
B. 王旭峰所著《茶人三部曲》是一部全面深入反映近现代茶业世家兴衰历史的小说鸿篇巨制
C. 《萧翼赚兰亭图》描绘的是唐太宗遣萧翼赚兰亭序的史事
D. 《调琴啜茗图》以工笔重彩描绘了唐代宫廷贵妇品茗听琴的悠闲生活
E. 《撵茶图》为工笔白描,描绘了宋代从磨茶到烹点的具体过程、用具和点茶场面
Robbie Wilde has been enjoying his life as a(n) 1) ________. He was born with perfect 2)________, but is now completely 3)________ in his right ear and can hardly hear in his left. He grew up in a(n) 4) ________ home environment and started deejaying at age 5) ________. With a strong desire to perfect his skills, he asked a well-known DJ for 6) ________. He has been working hard and does not want his skills recognized simply because people have 7) ________ for his disability. In this way, he sets a good example for other young people in chasing their 8) ________.