The principal use of a Pareto diagram is to:帕累托图的主要用途在于:
A. Focus attention on the most critical issues. 集中注意力在最关键的问题上
B. Quantify risks. 风险量化
C. Help predict future problems. 帮助预见未来的问题
D. Improve risk management. 改进风险管理
A fishbone diagram helps:鱼骨图有助于:
A. Explore past outcomes探究过去的结果
B. Organizes thoughts and stimulates thinking激发思考、组织思路
C. Determine if a process is out of control确定过程是否失控
D. Prioritize the problems对问题进行排序
“cost of quality” is a project management concept that includes cost of:“质量成本”是一个项目管理概念,它包括下列哪项所需的成本?
A. Exceeding requirements超过要求的成本
B. Changes to the requirements要求变更的成本
C. Ensuring conformance to requirements 保证符合要求的成本
D. The quality control requirements 质量控制要求的成本
Quality means 质量是指()。
A. Comply with triple restriction符合三重制约
B. Meet the requirements符合要求
C. Superior to similar products优于同类产品
D. The product has many functions产品的功能众多
A. 600/(s^2+60s+600)
B. 600/(s^2+70s+600)
C. 600/(s^2+60s+700)
D. 700/(s^2+60s+600)