According to the video, streamers are ________.
A. long narrow pieces of colored paper
B. long narrow pieces of cloth
C. people who promote products online live
D. newspaper headlines that run across the full page
A good consumption eco-system needs both the efforts of market regulators and the ________ relationship between consumers and retailers.
A. detrimental
B. healthy
C. partial
D. neutral
A. 上升趋势中两个相对低点的连线构成上升趋势线
B. 上升途中上升趋势线起到支撑股价的作用
C. 上升趋势线永远是上升趋势线不会被打破
D. 趋势明朗的时候趋势线具有买点提示功能
A. 支撑线是支撑股价运行的线且提供买点提示
B. 上升趋势中趋势线就是支撑线
C. 下降趋势中趋势线就是支撑线
D. 横向整理阶段的趋势线就是支撑线
A. 上升趋势线
B. 横线盘整阶段,两个低点的连线
C. 下降趋势线
D. 横向盘整的阻力线被突破确认后