评估幼儿发展的最佳方式是( )(2014年下半年)
A. 平时观察
B. 期末检测
C. 问卷调查
D. 家长访谈
下面评价自己的方式中,不能评价自己的方式是( )(2019年国赛题库试题)
A. 在与别人的横向比较中认识自己
B. 完全不和外界交往,自己封闭自己
C. 从别人的评价中认识自己
D. 通过纵向的生活经历了解自己
明明小朋友在回答自己为什么是个好孩子时说:“我不撒谎,我认真参加游戏,并把玩具让给别人。”这是( )。(2019年国赛题库试题)
A. 依从性评价
B. 对自己外部行为的评价
C. 对自己内在品质的评价
D. 对自己个别方面的评价
A. 对
B. 错
选择下列段落正确的拓展方式Many old buildings in cities are still being found useful. In several cities, old buildings that wereno longer being used have been converted to a variety of useful structures. For example, oneschool building was changed into ninety nine rental units for elderly and low income residents. InBaltimore, Maryland, six schools were converted into 132 units with the help of a four milliondollar city bond financing arrangement. “School House 77” in Boston utilizes three recycledelementary schools and an abandoned instrument factory. All these examples show how cities are using unneeded schools, police stations, libraries, and boarded up factories that are structurally sound and even architecturally interesting buildings.
A. Development by example
B. Development by space
C. Development by classification
Development by comparison and contrast