A. 立堵法
B. 平堵法
C. 立平堵
D. 平立堵
支沟、集水井的深浅关系,一般应当是( )
A. 干沟最深,支沟次之,集水井最浅
B. 干沟最浅,支沟次之,集水井最深
C. 支沟最浅,干沟次之,集水井最深
D. 支沟最深,干沟次之,集水井最浅
围堰用来围护河床种基坑,保证水工建筑物施工在( )上进行。
A. 干地
B. 平地
C. 水下
D. 水中
A. 进占
B. 护底
C. 裹头
D. 合龙
2. Blank-filling[音频]1. Where does Mark Hill work?He works on some of the busiest ___________ in Britain.2. How many accidents do the traffic police on each shift have to deal with?On average they have to deal with _________ accidents.3. Why do accidents happen according to Mark Hill?Because people ______________, which is the cause of most accidents, and because people sometimes don’t follow the rules.4. Why does Mark Hill like his job?He likes his job because it gives him a varied ____________ day.