Which of the following books won Willa Cather the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1923?
A. One of Ours
B. My Antonia
C. The Professor’s House
D. The Lost Lady
铁路运输中,旅客身体损害赔偿金的最高限额为人民币() 万元。
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Under the influence of the regionalism of _______, Willa Cather turned to her familiar Nebraska material.
A. Emily Dickinson
B. Stephen Crane
C. Sarah Orne Jewett
D. Henry James
铁路运输中,旅客随身携带品赔偿金的最高限额为() 元。
A. 500
B. 800
C. 1000
D. 1500