
(1)1月14日,正源公司收到乙公司退回的2009年10月4日从其购入的一批商品,以及税务机关开具的进货退出证明单。当日,正源公司向乙公司开具红字增值税专用发票。该批商品的销售价格(不含增值税)为200万元,增值税为34万元,销售成本为185万元。假定正源公司销售该批商品时,销售价格是公允的,也符合收入确认条件。至2010年1月 14日,该批商品的应收账款尚未收回。
(3)2月26日,正源公司获知丙公司被法院依法宣告破产,预计应收丙公司账款250万元 (含增值税)收回的可能性极小,应按全额计提坏账准备。正源公司在2009年12月31日已被告知丙公司资金周转困难无法按期偿还债务,因而按应收丙公司账款余额的50%计提了坏账准备。

A. -1


B: She may fail along that line. Let's try to talk some sense into her.
What are the speakers probably going to do?

A. To persuade Mary to spend more time on her lessons.
B. To help Mary to prepare for the upcoming concert.
C. To talk with Mary about going to the concert.
D. To ask Mary to stop worrying about the exam.

By cancelling the debts owed to her, Britain intends to ____ a similar scheme proposed by

A. reject
B. restart
C. follow
D. review

听力原文:A: You know, I started out in civil engineering, then I switched to electronic engineering. But what really interests me is electronic music.
B: Well, that's a long way away from civil engineering.
Which of the following has the man never been interested in?

A. Electronic music.
B. Civil engineering.
C. Electronics.
D. Electronic engineering.

听力原文:In my opinion motivation, rather than intelligence, often decides how far a person can go in his career.
What does the statement mean?

A. One's success is largely dependent on intelligence.
B. Low motivation may lead to poor performance.
C. Motivated people are more likely to succeed.
D. Both motivation and intelligence are important.
