Often, protein to be expressed is fused with histidine and it is called as histidine tags. For their purification, matrix containing ______ is used.
A.calcium ions
B.nickel ions
C.iron ions
D.fluorine ions
GFP is one of a marker which is used for screening libraries in hosts other than E. coli. Choose the incorrect statement for GFP.
A.It stands for Green Fluorescent Protein
B.It is obtained from a bio-luminescent jellyfish and produces protein aequorin which emits blue light
C.The blue light is produced because of binding of sodium ions
D.The absorbed blue light produces green light which can be detected further
Luciferase genes are also used at times for detection. Choose the correct statement for them.
A.They are obtained from fire flies only
B.The detection requires provision of substrate which produces light
C.Enzymes such as beta-galactosidase requires substrate X-gluc to produce light
D.Lucifearse genes are preferred over fluorescent proteins
A. 在选购产品的时候消费者更加通过消费来表达自己的价值观念
B. 消费者在选择产品的时候会趋向选择与他们价值观,审美观相近的产品
C. 消费者对产品的需要仅仅是产品的基本功能性效用
D. 一些消费者将对某种品牌的消费,赋予了精神层面的意义
A. 营销创新是将营销中的某一要素或推翻原有的营销活动
B. 营销创新的宗旨是满足市场需求以获得利润
C. 营销创新是实现产品、服务或技术等创新与消费者需求的对接
D. 营销创新是通过新的营销方式识别消费者需求,引导消费者认识、感知并满意于产品提供的创新性价值,进而使其忠诚于某种产品或服务。