
有向图G是单向连通图,当且仅当( )

A. 图G中至少有一条通路
B. 图G的连通分支数为1.
C. 图G中有通过每个顶点至少一次的通路
D. 图G中有通过每个顶点至少一次的回路


- What is the taboo food for Muslims?

A. Pork
B. Chicken
C. Fish
D. Fruits

- What is the taboo food for Jews?

A. Chicken
B. Shellfish and bird of prey
C. Grapes
D. Fruits

- What is the taboo food for Indians?

A. Shellfish
B. Pork
C. Grapes
D. Beef

- ____________ are eaten in Norway, Germany, the U. S. and most other western countries.

A. Shellfish and pork
B. Pork and chicken
C. Dogs and insects
D. Beef and lamb
