Lesson 5 taxi 拓展-4[音频]D.______, give way to the Eastern ______,on taxiway _______passing ______
Lesson 5 taxi 拓展-2[音频]B.______, take next taxiway right onto ____and then ___ onto _____for your ____
lesson 5 推出开车拓展2-2[音频]P: Nevek Ground, Southern 196, request start-up.C: Southern 196, Nevek Ground, start-up __________
Lesson 5 Blank-filling-1-3 P: Wuhan Ground, CSN314, reques start-upC: CSN314, 1 , start-up 2
Lesson 5 Blank-filling-2[音频]PIL: Wuhan Ground, CSN314, request start-upCTL: CSN314,_____ 25, start-up at own.