
Lesson 5 Blank-filling-2[音频]PIL: Wuhan Ground, CSN314, request start-upCTL: CSN314,_____ 25, start-up at own.


Lesson 5 推出开车拓展2-7[音频]P: Sunair 310, we’re having problems with the ________. We are waiting for another one.C: Roger, Sunair 310, ___________

Lesson 5 Blank-filling-1-1 P: Singapore Ground, QFA10, request pushbackC: QFA10, Singapore Ground, 1 , company traffic on pushback from C25 has a slight2 , will keep you updated.

Lesson 5 推出开车拓展2-6[音频]P: Sunair 559, request pushbackC: Sunair 559, there is a 747 to _______ and_________, after him, pushback approved.P: After the 747, pushing back

Lesson 5 推出开车拓展2-8[音频]P: Sunair 892, we are going to be delayed for a while, the ______ seems to have ______ .C: Roger, Sunair 892, call me back for taxi when you have got it ________
