A. 定额管理基础较好
B. 消耗定额比较准确
C. 各月末在产品数量变化不大
D. 各月在产品数量变化较大
E. 消耗定额稳定
信用证项下的汇票出票日期一般是议付日期,值得注意的是汇票的出票日期,以下说法错误的是 ( )
A. 不得早于其他单据日期
B. 不得晚于信用证有效期
C. 不得晚于提单签发日期21天
D. 早于其他单据日期
A. 须经过背书方可转让
B. 不能通过背书转让
C. 无须背书,凭交付即可转让
D. 以上说法均不对
You had to use selling skills to persuade the owner to let you use it.
A. force
B. beg earnestly
C. cause to feel certain
D. advise
You are trying to convince people that you have good ideas and will provide the type of leadership needed by that organization.
A. attract other people's attention
B. beg ... to believe
C. say again and again to
D. cause ... to believe