
American College of Surgeons recommends that the informed consent should cover:

A. What are the indications that have led your doctor to the opinion that an operation is necessary?
B. What, if any, alternative treatments are available for the patient's condition?
C. What will be the likely result if the patient don't have the operation?
D. What are the basic procedures involved in the operation?



A. What are the risks?
B. How is the operation expected to improve the patient's health or quality of life?
C. Is hospitalization necessary and, if so, how long can you expect to be hospitalized?
D. What can the patient expect during his or her recovery period?

The goal of clinical ethics is to improve the quality of patient care by identifying, analyzing, & attempting to _________ the ethical problems that arise in daily practice.


A(n) _____________ issomeonewhogoestoahospitalorclinicforaprocedurewhichdoesnotrequireastayovernight,whocangotoclinicsandhospitalsfordiagnoses,basicprocedures,education,routinetesting,andsimplesurgicalprocedures.
