The patient may be imposing feelings and attitudes onto you that they have had toward other doctors, friends, family members in the past. This is known as _______________.
A. transport
B. transference
C. transgressing
D. transgene
Keep in mind that most patients whom you find frustrating to deal with have experienced significant ____________ in their lives.
A. happiness
B. adversity
C. event
D. adversary
In the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Article 2 is:
A. right to liberty and security
B. right to life
C. freedom of expression
D. prohibition of discrimination
IntheEuropeanConventionfortheProtectionofHumanRightsandFundamentalFreedoms,Article 5 is:
A. righttolibertyandsecurity
B. righttolife
C. right to a fair trial
D. freedom of thought, conscience and religion
A. righttomarryandfoundafamily
B. righttolife
C. righttorespectforprivateandfamilylife
D. freedomofthought,conscienceandreligion