
Which of the following subdiscipline of neuroscienceis the study of cells of the nervous system & the organization of these cells into functional circuits that process information & mediate behavior?

A. Neuroimmunology
B. Neuropharmacology
C. Neuroscience
D. Neurobiology


Which of the following subdiscipline of neuroscience investigates how the brain enables us to acquire, store, understand, & express language.

A. Neuroengineering
B. Neurobiology
C. Neurolinguistics
D. Neuroinformatics


A. Neuropharmacology
B. Neurotoxicology
C. Neurogenetics
D. Neuroimmunology

TheMadridDeclarationonEthicalStandardsforPsychiatricwasfirstapprovedin_______bytheWorldPsychiatricAssociation.Thisis an important internationaldeclarationsontheethicalobligationsofpsychiatrists,specificallyelaboratedbyandforpsychiatrists.

A. 1994
B. 1996
C. 1998
D. 2000

In _____, the World Psychiatric Association approved the Declaration of Hawaii, setting out ethical guidelines for the practice of psychiatry. The Declaration was subsequently updated in Vienna in 1983. To reflect the impact of changing social attitudes and new medical developments on the psychiatric profession, the World Psychiatric Association has once again examined and revised some of these ethical standards.

A. 1970
B. 1973
C. 1975
D. 1977
