

A. 对个人拍卖的物品是经文物部门认定是海外回流文物的,如果不能提供合法、完整、准确的财产原值凭证的,不能正确计算财产原值的,按转让收入额的3%征收率计算征收个人所得税
B. 实行核定征税的合伙企业,不能享受税收优惠
C. 某省政府给全省国税人员颁发的超额完成任务奖免税
D. 个人通过非营利的社会团体向公益性青少年活动场所的捐赠,允许在税前全额扣除
E. 非因住房改革政策,单位按低于购置或建造成本价格出售住房给职工,职工因此而少支出的差价部分,按照“工资、薪金所得”项目征收个人所得税


Video games would have been recommended by Socrates due to its ______.

A. text messages
B. oral tradition
C. unvarying answers
D. two-way communication

According to the text, it is upsetting that the Federal Reserve does not take into account

A. until what to do is clarified
B. until explicit inflation targets are declared
C. until increases in asset prices are curbed
D. until its efficiency is cast doubt on

The word "syntax" (Paragraph 3) refers to the ______.

A. rules used for ordering and connecting words in a sentence
B. principles defining the connections among different variables
C. definitions describing the impact of biorhythm on one's behavior
D. criteria measuring a person's performance levels with biorhythm

By using the analogy of "throwing a lobster into a pot", the author tries to show that ______.

A. some managers are really foolish people
B. it's cruel to cook lobsters
C. people tend to become complacent
D. bad environment calls for immediate action
