

A. ■betreatedwithcourtesyandrespect;■havetheirprivacyprotected;■receiveapromptandreasonableresponsetoquestionsandrequests;
B. ■knowwhoisprovidingmedicalservicesandwhoisresponsibleforhisorhercare;■knowwhatpatientsupportservicesareavailable,includinginterpreterservices;■knowtherulesandregulationsapplyingtopatientconduct;
C. ■receiveinformationaboutdiagnosis,plannedcourseoftreatment,alternatives,risksandprognosis;■refuseanytreatment,exceptasotherwiseprovidedbylaw;■begivenfullinformationandnecessarycounsellingontheavailabilityoffinancialresourcesforpatientcare;■receiveareasonableestimateofthechargesformedicalcarepriortotreatment;
D. ■haveimpartialaccesstomedicaltreatmentoraccommodations,regardlessofrace,nationalorigin,religion,physicalhandicap,orsourceofpayment;■receivetreatmentforanyemergencymedicalconditionthatwilldeterioratefromfailuretoprovidetreatment;■haveaccesstoanymedicaltreatmentthatis,inthejudgementofthepatientandhisorherhealthcarepractitioner,inthepatient'sbestinterests;■knowifmedicaltreatmentisforpurposesofexperimentalresearchandtoconsenttoorrefusetoparticipateinsuchresearch;■expressgrievancesaboutanyviolationofthepatient'srights.



A. ■givinghealthcareprovidersaccurateandcompleteinformationabouttheirhealth;■reportingunexpectedchangesintheircondition;
B. ■indicatingwhethertheyunderstandacontemplatedcourseofaction;■followingthetreatmentplanrecommendedbythehealthcareprovider;
C. ■keepingappointmentsandnotifyingthehealthcareproviderorhealthcarefacilityifunabletodoso;■assuringpromptpaymentofmedicalbills;
D. ■followinghealthcarefacilityrulesandregulationsaffectingpatientcareandconduct.

Canada's Patients' Bill of Rights passed in 2001 declared that the patients have the following rights:

A. a. The right to be fully informed about one’s medical condition;b. The right to be advised of the available treatment options;c. The right to be involved in treatment decisions;
B. d. The right to information on the qualifications and experience of the health professionals from whom services are received;e. The right to receive considerate, compassionate and respectful public health services;f. The right to confidential communications with health professionals;
C. g. The right to have access to and copies of personal health records and to have them corrected, if necessary;h. The right to have health records kept confidential and not used for any purpose other than public health services without written consent;
D. i. The right to designate a person to exercise rights on the patient’s behalf if the patient is not able to do so because of a physical or mental incapacity; andj. The right to be informed of all rights and responsibilities under the bill and under other laws of Canada or a province with respect to public health services.

European Charter of Patients' Rights passed in 2002 declares that:

A. Every individual has the right to a proper service in order to prevent illness.
B. Every individual has the right of access to the health services that his or her health needs require. The health services must guarantee equal access to everyone, without discriminating on the basis of financial resources, place of residence, kind of illness or time of access to services.
C. Every individual has the right to access to all kind of information regarding their state of health, the health services and how to use them, and all that scientific research and technological innovation makes available.
D. Every individual has the right of access to all information that might enable him or her to actively participate in the decisions regarding his or her health; this information is a prerequisite for any procedure and treatment, including the participation in scientific research.


A. Each individual has the right to freely choose from among different treatment procedures and providers on the basis of adequate information.
B. Every individual has the right to the confidentiality of personal information, including information regarding his or her state of health and potential diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, as well as the protection of his or her privacy during the performance of diagnostic exams, specialist visits, and medical/surgical treatments in general.
C. Each individual has the right to receive necessary treatment within a swift and predetermined period of time. This right applies at each phase of the treatment.
D. Each individual has the right of access to high quality health services on the basis of the specification and observance of precise standards.
