
During 13th-18th centuries, "Damascus" saber blades contained __________________ and cementite nanowires—an ultrahigh-carbon steel formulation that gave them strength, resilience, the ability to hold a keen edge, and a visible moiré pattern in the steel that give the blades their name.


In 1951, Erwin Müller pioneered the field ion microscope, a means to image the arrangement of atoms at the surface of a sharp metal tip; he first imaged __________________.

In 1956, Arthur von Hippel at MIT introduced many concepts of—and coined the term—"_________________________" as applied to dielectrics, ferroelectrics, and piezoelectrics.

In 1965, Intel co-founder Gordon Moore described in Electronics magazine several trends he foresaw in the field of electronics. One trend now known as "_____________," described the density of transistors on an integrated chip (IC) doubling every 12 months (later amended to every 2 years).

In 1991, Sumio Iijima of NEC is credited with discovering the __________________, although there were early observations of tubular carbon structures by others as well. Iijima shared the Kavli Prize in Nanoscience in 2008 for this advance and other advances in the field.
