Which of the following is the X-ray finding of teratomas()
A. There is bone shadow or tooth shadow in the tumor
B. The tumor is located in the anterior mediastinum
C. The tumor is round, oval or lobulated
D. There are areas of reduced density in the tumor
Which of the following statements about diffuse pleural mesothelioma is incorrect()
A. It can be classified as benign or malignant
B. There are multiple pleural nodules or lumps
C. There is a large amount of pleural effusion
D. Irregular pleura is thick and wavy
Neurogenic tumors are most likely to locate in____()
A. posterior mediastinum
B. upper anterior mediastinum
C. Anterior mediastinum
D. upper middle region of middle mediastinum
The thyroid behind the sternum tends to occur in_()
A. upper anterior mediastinum
B. middle anterior mediastinum
C. upper middle region of middle mediastinum
D. lower middle mediastinum
为choose表添加外键约束,约束名为choose_student_fk,外键为student_no,连接到 student表的stuednt_no字段,以下命令正确的是_()
A. alter table choose add constraint choosestudent_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_no)
B. alter table choose add constraint choose_student_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_no) REFERENCES student(stuednt_no)
C. alter table choose add constraint choose_student_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_no) REFERENCES student;
D. alter table choose add constraint choose_student_fk REFERENCES student(stuednt_no)