
Ricardo's throry of comparative advantage was of limited real-world validity because it was founded on the:

A. Labor theory of value
B. Capital theory of value
C. Land theory of value
D. Entrepreneur theory of value


Assume that labor is the only factor of production and that wages in the United States equal $20 per hour while wages in the United Kingdom equal $10 per hour. production costs would be lower in the United States than the United Kingdom if:

A. U.labor productivity equaled 40 units per hour while U.labor productivity equaled 15 units per hour
B. U.labor productivity equaled 30 units per hour while U.labor productivity equaled 20 units per hour
C. U.labor productivity equaled 20 units per hour while U.labor productivity equaled 30 units per hour
D. U.labor productivity equaled 15 units per hour while U.labor productivity equaled 25 units per hour

According to Ricardo, a country will have a comparative advantage in the product in which its:

A. Labor productivity is relatively low
B. Labor productivity is relatively high
C. Labor mobility is relatively low
D. Labor mobility is relatively high

The Ricardian model of comparative advantage is based on all of the following assumptions except:

A. Only two nations and two products
B. Product quality varies among nations
C. Labor is the only factor of production
D. Labor can move freely within a nation

Introducing indifference curves into our trade model permits us to determine:

A. Where a nation chooses to locate along its production possibilities curve in autarky
B. The precise location of a nation's production possibilities curve
C. Whether absolute cost or comparative cost conditions exist
D. The currency price of one product in terms of another product
