A. Whatis happiness?
B. How to obtain happiness?
C. Why is so difficult to obtain and hold happiness?
D. What should we do for our country?
Howtobeagood & happy person?
A. to forgive; to accept and forgive human flaws
B. to be emotionally sincere
C. to be responsible; to be honorable
D. to seek peace
A. to be a true authentic human being
B. to be able to put the whole of oneself into one's feelings, one's work, one's beliefs
C. to follow or submit to our destiny
D. to achieve eudaimonia, a flourishing of human spirit
Some argumentsabouteuthanasiaare:
A. Do euthanasia & PAS violate the Hippocratic Oath and other medical ethical Codes?
B. Is a physician ever obligated to help a patient die?
Can we allow children to have euthanasia?
Does active euthanasia or PAS act against the professional requirements of a doctor?
The end of life decision-making is affected by:
A. patients' and families' views of death
B. health professionals' views of death
C. whether to regard human life as an absolute/highest value
D. how to consider the right to die & refuse treatment