
患者,男,53岁。诊断为“大量心包积液”治疗给予安置心包引流管,对该患者的护理措施,错误的是( )

A. 若患者出现血压下降,心率增快,应警惕患者发生心包填塞
B. 若心包引流液小于50mld,则可以考虑拔出心包引流管
C. 保持心包引流管通畅,避免折叠
D. 引流袋要低于心包穿刺点,避免返流
E. 第一次引流心包积液不宜超过300ml



A. 奇脉
B. 脉压减小
C. 颈静脉怒张
D. 动脉血压升高
E. 肝大


A. 向患者介绍手术成功的病例
B. 告诉患者手术没有任何风险
C. 患者说明手术目的
D. 教会患者使用放松技术
E. 鼓励家属在探视时给予心理支持

The first human-to-human kidney transplant was from a postmortem donor to a sublimate-intoxicated female. Yu Yu Voronoy (1895–1961) performed the operation in Apr 3, ______ in Kherson, Ukraine. Voronoy reported the first kidney transplant between humans using a cadaveric kidney. The recipient was a 26-year old woman who was admitted in a uremic coma after swallowing mercury in a suicide attempt. Voronoy retrieved a kidney from a 60-year-old man who had died from a fracture of the base of the skull for 6 hours.

A. 1948
B. 1950
C. 1953
D. 1956

A surgical "first" was carried out in Feb ______ at the Clínica Guayaquil, Ecuador, on a soldier who lost a hand after a grenade accident. The prolonged operation using a hand from a cadaveric donor was apparently technically successful, and the immunosuppression was monitored with the help of advice via telephone from Richard Wilson of the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston. Wilson then traveled to Ecuador and, after assessing the situation, transferred the patient to Boston, but forty-one days after the transplant, rejection forced removal of the hand.

A. 1956
B. 1960
C. 1964
D. 1969
