

As a general rule, doctors are encouraged to use plain, clear language so that patients understand the conversation.
B. Once the patient has been briefed & asked to make a decision, the patient will be asked to sign an informed consent form for major procedures. In other instances, a doctor may note the patient's consent in the patient's chart, which serves as a legal document. If the patient later has a dispute with the doctor, the evidence of informed consent will be brought forward as evidence.
C. In an emergency situation when the patient is not legally competent to give informed consent & no surrogate decision-maker is readily available, the law implies consent on behalf of the patient, assuming that the patient would consent to treatment if he or she were capable of doing so.
D. Information that must be conveyed to & consented to by the patient includes: the treatment's nature & character & anticipated results, alternative treatments (including non-treatment), & the potential risks & benefits of treatment & alternatives. The information must be presented in a form that the patient can comprehend (i.e., in a language & at a level which the patient can understand) & that the consent must be voluntarily given.


What should be covered in the informed consent as suggested byAmerican College of Surgeons?

A. What are the indications that have led your doctor to the opinion that an operation is necessary? What, if any, alternative treatments are available for the patient's condition?
B. What will be the likely result if the patient don't have the operation? What are the basic procedures involved in the operation? What are the risks?
C. How is the operation expected to improve the patient's health or quality of life? Is hospitalization necessary &, if so, how long can you expect to be hospitalized?
D. What can the patient expect during his or her recovery period? When can the patient expect to resume normal activities? Are there likely to be residual effects from the operation?

Clinicians include:

A. physicians, surgeons
B. nurses, social workers
C. clinical psychologists, clinical ethicists
D. medical technicians, chaplains, & others responsible for the welfare of patients

Clinical ethics can be defined as:

A. Clinical ethics is a structured approach to ethical questions in clinical medicine.
B. Clinical ethics is a discipline or methodology for considering the ethical implications of medical technologies, policies, and treatments, with special attention to determining what ought to be done (or not done) in the delivery of health care.
Clinical ethics focuses on topics regarding the doctor-patient encounter & the principles governing the ideal human character in relationships with other healthcare workers, families & medical institutions.
D. Clinical ethics is the application of ethical reasoning to & within clinical practice. It includes the analysis of issues arising in clinical care, the development of justifiable solutions to these issues, the application of ethical reasoning tools in day-to-day clinical practice, as well as teaching programs, support services, & decision processes aimed to help foster such application.


A. Clinical ethics is the attention to the actual problems of ethics & values which arise in the direct care of patients & in the organization & processes of the institutions & settings where health care is delivered, providing a foundation for the entire field of bioethics.
B. In the context of patient care as well as medical & health professionals' education, clinical ethics is the core content area which provides the foundation & anchor point for a multitude of humanistic approaches to medicine & health care such as history, sociology, law, & literature.
Clinical ethics depends on the larger discipline of bioethics, which in turn draws upon disciplines such as moral philosophy, health law, communication skills, & clinical medicine.
D. Central to the practical application of clinical ethics is the ability to identify & analyze an ethical question & to reach a reasonable conclusion & recommendation for action.
