Communication Skills
Make no mistake, learning any language to proficiency takes thousands of hours, but learning enough to be able to communicate reasonably well is not so difficult. If you can read this in English but have trouble communicating face to face, then you're at the right place. We provide plenty of hints about how to improve your communication skills in the English language. You'll also find some detailed suggestions on how to read and understand more. Because face-to-face communication is quite different from reading and writing, there are two main ways to learn a language. What you should read first depend on your goals.
1. For Reading
If the main reason you want to learn is for reading information on the Internet or in books, magazines, letters or newspapers, then you can focus on studying the written language.
2. For Communication
If you're hoping to travel, use English for work or to communicate with your friends, then you can concentrate your efforts on the spoken language.
3. For Help with Writing
If you need to write in English then you'll need to combine the studies of both spoken and written language. Skill at communicating is almost a prerequisite for someone who wants to write because it helps a lot with syntax and grammar, giving the student a feel for the language. Gaining skill at reading is also necessary, because good writing is different from normal speech.
What should one do when one intends to learn how to communicate with others?
A. One can assess how appropriate the courses you're considering buying.
B. One can focus on studying the oral and written language.
C. One can concentrate one's efforts on the spoken language.
D. One can read information on the Internet or in books, magazines, or newspapers.
WWW, a Wide and Wonderful World
Most large companies already provide Internet connections to the desktop and their availability in small and medium sized companies is expanding rapidly. Besides the items noted above, we can expect to see distributed learning through correspondence courses, via e-mail (and soon Internet phone and later conferencing) where teacher feedback comes in minutes or hours without the need for costly faxes and can therefore be offered much more widely. As secure financial transactions become more widely and cheaply available this kind of service will also become a more practical reality for individual use too. Right now it is possible to arrange machine translation of documents for some languages at low cost over the Net and the quality, accuracy and number of languages is improving all the time. We can expect that these services will expand rapidly and continue to be of much higher quality than is possible with desktop PC software translation programs. Combined with the use of e-mail checking by bilingual expert translators these machine translations can greatly expedite translation and therefore reduce costs. As the software improves, costs will plummet quickly since the need for human intervention and its associated costs will become necessary only for material which is to be published as the quality of machine translation begins to match or be better than that which is available from all but the very best human translators.
Use the Internet yourself, encourage friends to do likewise and make it available for your staff. The Net is a global equalizer which will just get better and better. Right now is the time to begin. Language learning resources are finally available at reasonable cost, so couple your learning program to the Net and get human benefits from the technology on your desktop. It's a wide and wonderful world.
Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?
A. Not all the companies, big or small, provide Internet connections.
B. All the companies, big or small, try to improve Internet connections.
C. Only large companies provide Internet connections to the desktop.
D. Internet connections are expanding rapidly especially in small companies.
Cultural Ecology — Cultural ecology is the study of the adaptation of human societies or populations to their environments, emphasizing the arrangements of technique, economy, and social organization through which culture mediates the experience of the natural world.
Diachronic Study — A diachronic study is one that includes an historical or evolutionary time dimension.
Ecosystem Approach/Model — This is an approach used by some ecological anthropologists that focuses on physical components. Moran (1990:3) claims that this view uses the physical environment as the basis around which evolving species and adaptive responses are examined. The ecosystem approach had played a central role within ecological anthropology.
Environmental Determinism — A deterministic approach assigns one factor as the dominant influence in explanations. Environmental determinism is based on the assumption that cultural and natural areas are coterminous, because culture represents an adaptation to the particular environment. Therefore, environmental factors determine human social and cultural behaviors.
The study that includes an historical or evolutionary time dimension is called
A. Cultural Ecology.
B. Diachronic Study.
C. Ecosystem Approach/Model.
D. Environmental Determinism.
The list of the amount of calories one will burn while performing daily tasks is based on
A. a 180-pound person.
B. a 120 pound person.
C. a 100-pound person.
D. a 150-pound person.
Seven Excuses Not to Go to College
Think college is for other kids, and not for you? Wrong. Don't give up on college before you take a good look at it.
One. "I can't go to college — nobody in my family has ever gone."
In every family, someone has to be first. Why not you? True, being first can be hard. On the other hand, being first is likely to be a source of pride, for you and your family.
Two. "I've been in school for 12 years. That's enough! I just want a good job."
Give college a chance. It's not like high school or junior high. For one thing, in college you pick a major — a subject area that you want to learn about. As for that good job — the best jobs and the best salaries go to college grads.
Three. "I can't go to college because I can't afford it."
Most students get financial aid to help pay for college, and most aid is based on need. This means that the less money you have, the more aid you might get.
Four. "I can't go because I don't know how to apply or where I want to go."
Tell your high school counselors you want to go to college fairs, where colleges introduce themselves to students. Ask them how to write to schools for information. Try to visit colleges that interest you. Keep at it. After a while, you'll get a feel for differences among colleges, and start to know what you want.
Five. "I can't go to college — I don't know what I want to do with my life."
Join the crowd. Thousands of college freshmen haven't decided on a major or on a career. That's how college helps. It exposes you to all sorts of subjects you've never heard of before. College is a great place to learn more about careers you'll love for life.
Six. "I can't go to college, because I just won't fit in."
Not so. Most colleges have students from many backgrounds. Homesick? Need a hand? Look for people with your interests or your background in the African-American club, on the soccer field, or in a Korean study group. Remember, college is a great place to meet new kinds of people with different lifestyles. And the more people you understand and feel comfortable with, the better prepared you'll be for the world after college.
Seven. "College is too hard for me."
Not you, too! Most students worry about being good enough for college, so you're not alone. One idea: In high school, don't just study — learn how to study. Most good students have strategies for studying. Once you learn how to study, chances are you'll do fine. Still need help? Professors are really helpful, and so are the tutors.
When you are considering colleges, you usually have already studied for
A. 8 years.
B. 10 years.
C. 9 years.
D. 12 years.