The Patient's Charter of Rights first passed in 1991 & revised in 1995 in the UK declares that, "You have the right to be prescribed appropriate drugs and medicines. If you fall within certain categories including being a pensioner, a person aged 60 or over, a child under 16 or under 19 in full time education, a pregnant or nursing mother, suffering from one of a number of specified individual conditions, or on income support or family credit, you have a right to get your medicines free".
European Charter of Patients' Rights (2002) declares that, "Each individual has the right to complain whenever he or she has suffered a harm and the right to receive a response or other feedback. Each individual has the right to receive sufficient compensation within a reasonably short time whenever he or she has suffered physical or moral and psychological harm caused by a health service treatment".
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B. 错
Clinical encounter is any physical or virtual contact between a patient & healthcare practitioner, during which an assessment or clinical activity is performed. The central feature of this clinical encounter is the economicrelationshipbetween a physician & a patient, a relationship that is permeated with ethical responsibilities.
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B. 错
Clinical ethical issues as those phenomena or behaviours that have the potential to become a problem, along with those situations which are vitally important in the life of the patient. For example, the ethical issue of abortion (the phenomenon) has the potential to become an ethical problem, as does resuscitating a terminally ill patient. Most people recognise obvious ethical issues such as abortion and euthanasia, but there are many more including patients' rights, working as a team, pain, resuscitation, dying, allocation of resources and research.
A. 对
B. 错
Physicians must tell patients nature of their ilness, proposed treatments for that illness including nothing, risks and benefits of treatments. Patient must consent before a treatment is initiated. Promotion of two values: personal well-being & self-determination. To ensure that these values are respected & enhanced, patients who have the capacity to decide their care must be permitted to do so voluntarily & must be provided all relevant information regarding their condition & alternative treatments, including possible benefits, risks, costs, other consequences, & significant uncertainties surrounding any of this information.
A. 对
B. 错