
According to _____, suffering originates in people's desires for pleasure.

A. Hinduism
B. Protestantism
C. Buddhism
D. Judaism


Several studies have shown the economic advancement and _____ are important factors in societal change.

A. individualism
B. collectivism
C. improved technology
D. globalization

One reason for the shift in values away from collectivism and toward individualism may be:

A. that richer societies exhibit less need for social and material support structures built on collectives.
B. individualism is a more important trait in a global society.
C. that richer societies exhibit more need for social and material support structures built on collectives.
D. increased urbanization and improvements in the quality and availability of education are both a function of economic progress.

_____ refers to a society that allows relatively free gratification of basic and natural human drives related to enjoying life and having fun.

A. Persistence
B. Indulgence
C. Reciprocation
D. Restraint

Hofstede's _____ dimension measured the extent to which different cultures socialized their members into accepting ambiguous situations and tolerating uncertainty.

A. power distance
B. long-term versus short-termorientation
C. uncertainty avoidance
D. indulgence versus restraint
