
他提出了一个真正具有创意的解决问题的办法。He ______a really innovative solution to the problem.


除了在高峰时间和雨天,我们公司的出租车通常很容易租到。Our taxis are usually easily______,except during rush hours or on rainydays.

我花了十分钟给李总在线预订了一个宾馆套房。It took me ten minutes to________ suiteonline for President Li.

Leaving a carbon footprint that is as small as possible is one of the best ways for people to help conserve the environment. Anyone can lower his/her owncarbon footprint by making small changes to his/her daily life. For example,driving less, eating local foods, using less electricity, and recycling alllower the amount of carbon emissions.Question: people can conserve the environment by driving less, eatinglocal foods, using less electricity, and recycling all lower the amount of carbon emissions.

A. 对
B. 错

In Asia, leaving a low carbon footprint is becoming very popular. More and more people are thinking of new ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Some people even share their ideas online.Question: People in Asia don’t care about leaving a low carbon footprint.

A. 对
B. 错
