The US Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA, 1982) specifies that death may be ascertained either by the irreversible loss of all brain function or by the irreversible cessation of cardio-respiratory function. The UDDA specifies three criteria for death by cardio-respiratory criteria: unresponsiveness, apnea, and ____________________________________.
Irreversible arrest of the heart is not death, if oxygenated circulation to the body can be provided mechanically using extracorporeal support like ECMO or ventricular assist devices. The event may be the cardiac arrest, but death only occurs if there is simultaneous loss of circulation, respiration, and responsiveness and if these remain _____________.
The first person to consider irreversible absence of brain function to be equivalent to death was _____________________ (1135–1204), the foremost intellectual figure of medieval Judaism, who argued that the spasmodic jerking observed in decapitated humans did not represent evidence of life as their muscle movements were not indicative of presence of central control.
At present, the most accepted definition of death is the "permanent cessation of the critical functions of the organism as a whole". The organism as a whole is an old concept in theoretical biology that refers to its unity and functional integrity — not to the simple sum of its parts — and encompasses the concept of an organism's ____________________.
Critical functions of an organism (human) are those without which the organism as a whole cannot function: control of respiration and circulation, neuroendocrine and homeostatic regulation, and __________________.